Hi guys. Someone called shadow_priest_x on sherdog asked me to sign up to the site after reading about my betting website, so here I am. :)

My site's Bet MMA, which is an MMA handicapper directory and MMA stats site. Me and the priest were talking about how we could have a mutually beneficial bit of linking / interaction between the two sites. I'm hoping some of you guys will be interested in signing up as handicappers (basically just log your picks, which takes about 2 mins per event) and I'll happily post about your picks / site if you do well and post my own picks on here too. If you're not interested in being a handicapper, hopefully you'll find the site useful anyway, with all the stats we've got. We've got plenty of stats specifically for betting on MMA, like MMA favourites vs underdogs betting and I've built pages like this one for the next UFC event, which is a lot of useful info for bettors.... basically all the basics I want to know when I'm scouting fights.

As for me personally, I've been self employed in the MMA industry since 2009 on MMA Tycoon. I'm from Leeds, England and live with my girlfriend of 12 or so years. Other than MMA I'm into most sports... Football (soccer), golf and used to race karts. But pretty much I'll watch all sports.