Here are the Invincible NFL Betting System bets for the upcoming week of the NFL season:

Miami {A} bet

NY Giants {A} bet
Denver {C} bet

Always bet on the point spread if the team you're betting on is the underdog (which happens most of the time), and on the money line if the team you're betting for is the favorite. An underdog team will always have a positive number in the point spread, while a favorite will always have a negative number in the point spread.
Note that if you're betting on the point spread, then as long as the team you're betting on is able to cover the point spread, you will win your wager, regardless if they had won or lost the game. For example, if your team has a point spread of +6, and they end up losing the game by 5 points, then you'd win the bet since your team did not lose by more than 6 points.
The only times when you should pass on betting on a team is when they have already been eliminated from the playoff race. If a team cannot statistically make the playoffs regardless of your performance for the remainder of the season, then don’t wager on them. You can check to see what teams are still alive for the playoffs, and which teams have been eliminated from the playoffs race each season by going to:

Good luck!
The "Champ" team