Quote Originally Posted by MMA_scientist
I don't have any close gay friends. I do have some gay acquaintences, but I gay bash them all the time. I don't even try to hide my disgust, which is probably why I don't have any gay friends. I am fine with it theoretically (why do I care where you stick your cock), but my natural biological reaction is to be repulsed and disgusted.

Don't even try to use that straight sex = gay sex argument. I am not offended by it (I cannot be offended), but I do think two dudes kissing is totally disgusting.
That seems to be the case for some people. I've known a good handful of gay people and have a lot of insight into the gay/lesbian community. It can be a little weird to see two dudes getting their intimacy on, but it's like anything else: the more you are exposed to it, the less weird it seems, until eventually it's just some shit people do.

I'll also say this, there are a lot of "straight" guys out there who if, if you REALLY get them to open up and talk to you, will tell you that they've thought about/been curious about fucking guys.

In short, the closet is REALLY fucking full. I actually wouldn't be shocked to find that 400 years into the future, when sensibilities have revolutionized, that being bi-sexual is the norm.