Quote Originally Posted by SPX View Post
There was a time when I pretty much refused to miss any MMA. I remember one specific day where I got home from work and my power supply on my computer was fucked up and a WEC event was coming on in just a few hours. I didn't have cable and needed to stream it so I jumped through a bunch of hoops to get to Staples where I bought a power supply for about 4x as much as I would have if I had ordered it online.

UFC, Bellator, Strikeforce (and before that EliteXC and Affliction) . . . fucking Shark Fights. I tried not to miss a single minute.
I still don't see how having less orgs, more fights, more fighters, and most importantly, more free on tv cards is a bad thing. Oversaturation be damned. There are more up and coming fighters now than ever before, more quality fights happening, and the divisions overall are much more diverse/exciting without kingpin like stalwarts guarding the strap. I honestly wasn't even this excited back in 2009 for the sport.