Quote Originally Posted by "MMA_scientist":fv2qehi8
I think JDS has a great chance. I probably even favor him. I won't bet it unless something is horribly off with the line though. JDS has not fought a wrestler yet, but he will also be the best jiu jitsu player Cain has faced (at least in terms of rank- aside from Nog, who never saw the ground). I think JDS has a standup and power edge, and the ground is a question mark. Cain's top control has not been stifling though, so I think there is at least a chance that JDS can stand up consistently.
Are we starting up the "JDS will submit Cain because he trains with Nog even though the last time we saw him on the ground he was submitted" wagon already?

Cain's top control is not 'stifling' only in the sense that he leaves openings to get up because he never stops smashing ass. He literally never stops working to smash face. When was the last time you even saw him sit in someone's guard? I'm trying to remember a single time he was in someone's guard. What good is getting up if you just get slammed back on your head again?[/quote:fv2qehi8]

This is SO true.