Quote Originally Posted by Ludo View Post
You consider Manhoef, Siver, and Hunt to be largely successful in mma? Are you having a stroke? Should we call the amber lamps? Manhoef's single greatest achievement in the sport is the time he knocked out Sakuraba about 6 years past Saku's prime. Hunt's career wasn't even a fucking footnote until he was able to go 5-3-1 and bring his career to 10-10-1 all time. Dennis Siver popped for banned substances enroute to a 10-5-1 ufc career in which his best win was over a hype train from australia.

The context of the conversation was that he'd never be champion. And thus, in that context, yes to not win gold in a solid organization would qualify as "flopping". He looked great against a 33 year old with 13 fights prior to that, who coincidentally showed up 4lbs over weight, but we should really reign in the fellatio until he beats someone who doesn't qualify as a wikipedia red name. What do you say?

My point is this, almost no fighters will ever be champ. You can't say "mostly flopped in MMA" just because they didn't get a belt, even within the context of the conversation. That wording is just all wrong.

You're right that Manhoef's chin sucks, but he has still managed to carve out a really nice career for himself. And yes, I consider Siver a really solid fighter. No, he doesn't win 'em all, but he's still been in the UFC for 8 (!!!) years! That is a successful mixed martial artist. Crocop? Fucking legend. Cerrone? Always mere feet away from a belt. Cung Le actually was SF champ for a little while. So on and so forth.

If you're point is that a lot of hotshot kickboxers have come into MMA and failed to win titles, fine, but don't act like most of those guys you listed haven't done really well for themselves in the sport.