View Full Version : RedHott Plays 11/17

11-17-2008, 04:38 PM
1* Cleveland Browns/Buffalo Bills U 40 -110

11-17-2008, 04:44 PM
Good Luck Mike, I am on the under too (41).

Are you feeling better?

11-17-2008, 04:46 PM
Yeah about 85% better today, has been hell all week. Thanks for asking and GL to us tonight!

11-17-2008, 04:49 PM
BOL tonight Red

11-17-2008, 04:49 PM
Yeah about 85% better today, has been hell all week. Thanks for asking and GL to us tonight!

Whuts up my man? Hope everything is cool.

11-17-2008, 04:55 PM
Just had a bug that stayed with me for a little over a week. Thought I was getting better then part two and three would come on and make me feel worse then before. Hopefully this is the end of it though..

11-17-2008, 06:01 PM
good luck RED

11-17-2008, 06:15 PM
Just had a bug that stayed with me for a little over a week. Thought I was getting better then part two and three would come on and make me feel worse then before. Hopefully this is the end of it though..

Its that time of year bro. Hope your feeling better thought bro.


11-17-2008, 06:38 PM
BOL Mike. Sorry to hear your under the weather. Get well!

11-17-2008, 08:11 PM
3* Buffalo -5' +106

11-17-2008, 08:13 PM
BOL RedHottG2

11-17-2008, 08:23 PM
1* Cleveland Browns -' -130 for 1st Quarter

Max 2
11-17-2008, 08:25 PM
GL MY FRIEND ::handshake::

11-17-2008, 08:28 PM
1* .NFL - 429 - Browns vs Bills - 44-Edwards first pass of the game will be - Incomplete +160

11-17-2008, 08:28 PM
Best of luck tonight Mike on the under too

11-17-2008, 08:43 PM
1* Cleveland Browns/Buffalo Bills U 40 -110 :burn:

3* Buffalo -5' +106 :burn:

1* Cleveland Browns -' -130 for 1st Quarter ::moneybag::

1* .NFL - 429 - Browns vs Bills - 44-Edwards first pass of the game will be - Incomplete +160 :burn:

11-17-2008, 09:01 PM
Just curious here, I'm not a prop player at all but what is you guys take on my graded loss on the first pass of the game by Edwards (interception) ? I would think this would be considered an incomplete pass but my book graded a loss.. Not bitching here because I don't know how this works, just seems like total bull shit IMO.

11-17-2008, 09:02 PM
Maybe it is considered a completed pass since it counts as an interception for the season ? Just looking for some clarification..

11-17-2008, 09:21 PM
I am pretty sure it counts as an incomplete pass... Stats should say Quinn 0-1 1 INT

Sounds like you got hosed

11-17-2008, 09:26 PM
sorry I meant Edwards not Quinn lol

11-17-2008, 09:33 PM
See that's why I was wanting some prop players to come in. I want to call up and talk to customer service but I want to know if I'm right or wrong first. I'm not a prop player so I need some feedback.

11-17-2008, 09:35 PM
At this time I have 33 views to my post about this on SF and no real answers. This is starting to PISS me off. ::hatchett::

11-17-2008, 09:39 PM
I just want to say I have never played props so my opinion isnt totally valid

11-17-2008, 10:17 PM
I just got on here but I would definitely say that a INT is not a completed pass.

I dont see anyway on earth they can call it a completed pass when it counts as a incomplete pass on the quarterbacks stats.

I would call my book up and bitch them out but knowing sportsbooks and how shady they are they probably dont count a INT as a incomplete pass since someone caught it

I'd leave a book over some BS like this

11-17-2008, 10:38 PM
I got some feedback from a member at SF that said with the juice the way it was they had a 3rd option as an interception. I can't for the life of me remember seeing that because all I remember seeing is complete or incomplete. I know me and would have atleast looked at the interception plus money (I didn't see it). Going to leave it alone and move on I guess. I'll never play another prop again..

11-17-2008, 10:41 PM
I got some feedback from a member at SF that said with the juice the way it was they had a 3rd option as an interception. I can't for the life of me remember seeing that because all I remember seeing is complete or incomplete. I know me and would have atleast looked at the interception plus money (I didn't see it). Going to leave it alone and move on I guess. I'll never play another prop again..

That was what I thought Mike. I would think though they would have made that clear. Usually an INT is considered and incomplete pass otherwise

But, good move to just move on. Bummer on the play my man!

11-18-2008, 09:48 AM
I was gonna joke that I guess his pass was completed to the other team, but you should have won that bet. He was 0-1 after that pass and you should be paid.

11-18-2008, 10:14 AM
- 3.10 units