View Full Version : monday night ?

11-24-2008, 07:35 PM
im leaning PACKERS , i think pack kinda abuses NO Defense, NO is 22nd overall and 24 against the pass, i m thinking RODGERS has all day and the SAINTS get worn down. and on the other hand packers Defense is only 15th BUT 3rd passing and we all know that BREES can wing it around, any input would be appreciated , down big and dont want to make the wrong call.

oh yea i got NO -3 and 52

11-24-2008, 07:40 PM
Is that a local with NO -3 ? WOW! I have seen some -1's but -3 ?!?!

If it helps man, I lean NO (pk)

11-24-2008, 07:44 PM
always local ,dont even have a internet account usually hell change it if it moves but just called a few ago and his message is the same as always