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View Full Version : Screw Statfox

05-08-2009, 01:02 PM
Yeah so they ban me, Richard, JZ, and a few others for taking up for JZ after they ban him. I got a few guys coming this way so maybe things will pick up. Brian n Bama (newest member) at the bottom is a good guy and came after all the SF bullshit. What a piece of shit board that's turned into, poorly ran and has been going down hill for months.

05-08-2009, 01:15 PM
Why the fuck would they ban you?

Thats crazy. You were a respected member for sure from what I saw.

we definatley appreciate the new members, but still crazy. JZ is a good guy in my opinion too. Is this a temporary thing over there, or permanant?

05-08-2009, 01:26 PM
Done deal, and like I said they even threw Richard (chico) out.

I want to be no part of anything they do anymore, worthless board ran by a bunch of idiots..

05-08-2009, 01:28 PM
Fuck em, there loss. Chico is the most laid back dude every, cant believe they would ban him too.

05-08-2009, 04:27 PM
Never been on that site. Maybe if I'm bored sometime I'll go cause some trouble

05-08-2009, 05:12 PM
QUARTS at the bottom is alright also. He has been banned a few times at SF but I speak with him daily on the phone. He just wants to be alright with the SF guys that are here and told me he would not cause any problems.

05-08-2009, 05:27 PM
Never been on that site. Maybe if I'm bored sometime I'll go cause some trouble

I posted on there once in a while. We got some great members from there. (Mike, Chico, etc.)

05-08-2009, 07:59 PM
Every door that closes, another opens. The only thing I could miss their is the people, and I have contact info w/ most that I care to keep in touch with. As my mother would say:

Fuck them cocksuckers

05-09-2009, 08:15 AM
As my mother would say:

Fuck them cocksuckers

::lmao:: ::lmao::

05-09-2009, 01:57 PM
I agree with everyone in here, let's show Shitfox who the real cappers are.........................Let the games ::beerchug:: begin! ::beerchug:: ::beerchug::

05-09-2009, 08:24 PM

JK welcome everyone from whever you may come from

05-09-2009, 09:17 PM
Never been on that site. Maybe if I'm bored sometime I'll go cause some trouble

I posted on there once in a while. We got some great members from there. (Mike, Chico, etc.)

I was j/k I wasnt really going to start posting over there. I have a hard enough time finding time to keep up with everything on here

JZ in Florida
05-22-2009, 06:11 PM
I see now, since the dust has settled, everybody got their HOF status back. Except that dang JZ guy... ::middles::

I hear most of 'em had to write a letter of apology and/or smooch up on the sheriff to get back in... Not the kind of place I want to be a member of - no sir! I love their stats, hate the fox.

IWS and JustDaves for me.

Like the song goes, "Ya find out who your friends are..."


05-23-2009, 12:57 PM
JZ, I am still blocked from using the site.

JZ in Florida
05-23-2009, 02:40 PM
JZ, I am still blocked from using the site.

I didn't know that buddy... It says Statfox Hall of Famer under your handle, so I just assumed you were back in. Same with douglas now as well, and he swore he was NEVER going back...???

The only reason I'm even a little bitter is because I got tossed for doing the same thing quite a few HOF's did, not to mention a BUNCH of newbies, and other than "Spang", I'm the only other piece of "toast" to be found. :) Those clowns showed their true colors when that all went down. I'll be damned if I'll crawl back there.

I'm not a trend player - more of a math guy - so their sheets don't (and haven't ever) helped me as a 'capper... Ninety percent of the friends I made over there are still in contact via other forums or email, or both. We need to get RDTrains on IWS or Daves, 'cause he's about the only good read I miss. Hova too - just thought about that guy - good 'capper and as nice as they get.

Bottom line, we all do this to share info and help each other beat the book. I know I'm not the most kind person you'll ever meet, but I do constantly work at finding ways to win. I'll also always be the guy that fights the fight when some dumbass comes after me or one of my bro's. My thought process versus Statfox's "If you buy the sheets, you can get away with murder" philosophy is exactly the reason I don't belong there.

Sigh... Thanks for letting me vent. I feel much better now. 2:40 on a Saturday afternoon. Yep, gonna grab a brew.

05-23-2009, 02:52 PM
I was not banned per se, just my ip has been blocked ( i think), as is douglas. We can not log onto the site, and I am unable to view posts. I tried to create a new username there to view posts, and it was removed immedietly. Good to see john is able to do that to members, as he has denied the ability to do so for years...

JZ in Florida
05-23-2009, 03:39 PM
There's a backdoor in... Go to the homepage where they have all their genius trend writeups, and click on any of the Forum "Hot Topics" (or whatever it's called.) From there, you can access anything BUT the HOF (of course.)

Works for me. RD usually post's in the main room - only reason I care (other than to see if anybody has started some new drama, and how "they" react.)

Yep, you're right - I've seen numerous post's from SF John saying they didn't have the technology to IP ban anyone. I knew that was BS then, and you and douglas just proved it. Funny how you both have your "status" back tho... ::lmao::

GL Brother - I'll be hangin' with you here.