View Full Version : Idiots in my city.

10-31-2009, 09:03 AM
Septa, the public transportation company wants a raise or will go on strike.

This weekend? We already pay the highest fares in the country.

They got the city by the balls.

Today, we got a Flyers game, Pearl Jam concert, World Series.

Tommorow, we got Eagles game, World Series.

They are some assholes. Im glad I dont give them my money anymore.

10-31-2009, 10:33 AM
That's why they waited until this weekend to do it. City has no choice but to give in.

10-31-2009, 10:43 AM
That's fucked up man, lot's of action for you guys though for sure this weekend. I would love to see one of the World Series games. Were tickets even available ? how much or do you know ?

10-31-2009, 10:44 AM
That's fucked up man, lot's of action for you guys though for sure this weekend. I would love to see one of the World Series games. Were tickets even available ? how much or do you know ?

Face value for tickets were 350 for my boss. He had season tickets, with a few other guys, he is going to game 5. He said he has been getting overs for 5,000 per ticket. I would have sold them fuckers.

10-31-2009, 10:49 AM
Oh hell yeah I would have sold them also for sure. WOW ::jaydrop::

11-01-2009, 12:20 AM
zak did u know that our prez gave pennsy,200 mil to spend on trans, thats why they r going on strike but reality its a loosing prop.they just want 2 steal,last year lost 65mil,bad biz but I knew prez was going to give money 2 states this is what they would spend on!think about the people save by not having a car,so much better op 4 some but stilll losing $