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01-07-2010, 05:03 PM
Anyone here listen to them?

I just recently started rummaging through their catalogue. Painkiller is an AWESOME fucking album and Halford has a one of the best and most unique voices in all of metal.



01-07-2010, 05:31 PM
Funny you bring these guys up.

Back when I was in high school one of the football coaches brough in their British Steel CD for us to listen to.We always listened to Breaking the Law while weight lifting .

Also their song "United "became our team song .We'd always listen to it right before we took the field .Of all the songs in the world our team picked United from 1980 for the song to pump us up before taking the field.We loved the song though for some reason.

I just went to youtube and listened to United .Its the first time I've heard it in 8 years,brings back a lot of memories .

thanks for bringing this up SPX ::handshake::

01-07-2010, 10:44 PM
Painkiller is the most metal song on the planet, bar fucking none.


Just look at the album cover. Nothing exists that is more metal than that.

01-08-2010, 10:40 AM
Funny you bring these guys up.

Back when I was in high school one of the football coaches brough in their British Steel CD for us to listen to.We always listened to Breaking the Law while weight lifting .

Also their song "United "became our team song .We'd always listen to it right before we took the field .Of all the songs in the world our team picked United from 1980 for the song to pump us up before taking the field.We loved the song though for some reason.

I just went to youtube and listened to United .Its the first time I've heard it in 8 years,brings back a lot of memories .

thanks for bringing this up SPX ::handshake::

Good story, Luke! Glad I could push you down Memory Lane. I actually just heard that song for the first time a couple of weeks ago when I grabbed British Steel. Good song and good album.

01-08-2010, 10:43 AM
Painkiller is the most metal song on the planet, bar fucking none.

Just look at the album cover. Nothing exists that is more metal than that.

Dude, that album has so many good songs on it! Painkiller, Leather Rebel, All Guns Blazing, A Touch of Evil, and One Shot At Glory are all bad ass! It's one of the few albums that's just fucking GOOD from start to finish.

01-08-2010, 03:19 PM
Werd. Although none of them top the title track.

One of my favorite parts is the guitar solo on Between the Hammer and the Anvil. Sick shit.

01-08-2010, 03:35 PM
Werd. Although none of them top the title track.

One of my favorite parts is the guitar solo on Between the Hammer and the Anvil. Sick shit.

I'd have to say my favorite song would not be the title track. It would probably be either Leather Rebel or All Guns Blazing. After that it might be Hell Patrol.

01-08-2010, 08:28 PM
Those are cool but they're kinda 80s metal cheesy. Painkiller is all badass.

But no surprise coming from the Power Rangers nerd.

01-09-2010, 12:19 AM
Those are cool but they're kinda 80s metal cheesy.

Hell, that's why I love it! Just recently I've been getting into Priest, Iron Maiden, and early Ozzy stuff and I think it's all bad ass.

03-23-2010, 02:55 PM
you'll not find a bigger priest fan than myself. painkiller is awesome but i love all of it. the older shit is phenomenol as well. just seen them again last year and halford is about 60 years old and still has the pipes. METAL GODS!!!

03-24-2010, 12:43 PM
you'll not find a bigger priest fan than myself. painkiller is awesome but i love all of it. the older shit is phenomenol as well. just seen them again last year and halford is about 60 years old and still has the pipes. METAL GODS!!!

Good shit!

I honestly only got into them recently. Never really appealed to me when I was younger.

I have Sad Wings of Destiny, British Steel, Painkiller, and Nostradamus. Love them all.

Seems a lot of people want to talk shit on Nostradamus but personally I think it's a fucking awesome album. It just takes a couple of spins to get used to it.

08-14-2010, 07:25 PM