View Full Version : Mike Tyson making a comeback

03-04-2010, 01:49 AM
Done Deal: The Return of Mike Tyson to Boxing

By Geno McGahee

The heavyweight division has been considered boring by most boxing fans. The safety first, big European heavyweights have not captured the imagination of the American public, and neither have the challengers from the states that have given non-efforts or have been mediocrities to begin with. The 1990s was a great and exciting time for heavyweight boxing, and now a man that made that decade and the one before it incredibly exciting is coming back to boxing.

Iron Mike Tyson, 50-6, 44 KO’s, has been out of the ring since an embarrassing sixth round TKO loss to Kevin McBride in 2005. Prior to that defeat, he was stopped by Danny Williams and a couple fights before that, he was demolished by Lennox Lewis. Times have changed, however, and Iron Mike is coming back to the sport that he helped flourish when he was mopping the floors with heavyweights in the 1980s and 90s.

According to a source close to Tyson, former Promoter Don King has a tentative deal for Tyson to return to the ring in late 2010. The initial plan is to have Tyson-Holyfield III, but there is rumored hesitation on the part of Iron Mike, and there is a plan B.

A Connecticut heavyweight named Tony Grano, former cruiserweight champ, Jean Marc Mormeck, Vinny Maddalone, and Derric Rossy have all been mentioned as potential first or second comeback opponents for Tyson.

A recent wrench may have been thrown in the works of the Tyson comeback when Don King Aide, Craig Jones, was accused of having sex with a 13 year old girl after taking pornographic pictures of her. He apparently has a history of sexual misconduct. This was important mainly because Jones was working with Tyson and King, planning the comeback tour. His removal from the plan or assumed removal, may
mean that the comeback pushes to the beginning of 2011.

Wow didnt expect this.

Zak Tony Grano is who you were just talking about betting. With a possible Tyson fight in the distance he will have even more motivation

03-04-2010, 01:53 AM
Ho. . .
Ly. . .

I mean, MUTHAFUCKIN' HOLY SHIT!!!!!!!!!!

I will back Iron Mike to the grave if he returns to boxing. He needs to stay the fuck away from Don King, though. He knows it, too. He said it himself in the documentary that came out a couple of years ago.

03-04-2010, 02:35 AM
Ho. . .
Ly. . .

I mean, MUTHAFUCKIN' HOLY SHIT!!!!!!!!!!

I will back Iron Mike to the grave if he returns to boxing. He needs to stay the fuck away from Don King, though. He knows it, too. He said it himself in the documentary that came out a couple of years ago.

I seen a clip of Tyson on a dancing show in Italy about a month ago and he was the skinnest I have seen him since his fighting days. It looks like he has lost about 40 pounds .When I seen he was in shape again it had me wondering about a comeback.

Here's the clip from about a month ago:


03-04-2010, 09:30 AM
A recent wrench may have been thrown in the works of the Tyson comeback when Don King Aide, Craig Jones, was accused of having sex with a 13 year old girl after taking pornographic pictures of her.

If this isnt the biggest red flag ever for Tyson to run from these crooks as fast as he can, he must be blind.

Why he would get involved with Don King is beyond me. I guess he didnt learn enough the first time around. He should have tried to hook up with Golden Boy for his comeback.

03-04-2010, 12:51 PM
That is some crazy shit. I still find it hard to believe he was going to work with King again. In his documentary he made it clear that he hated King and he was the biggest piece of shit on earth. It doesn't really add up but I guess we'll see.

03-04-2010, 01:23 PM
That is some crazy shit. I still find it hard to believe he was going to work with King again. In his documentary he made it clear that he hated King and he was the biggest piece of shit on earth. It doesn't really add up but I guess we'll see.

I think he called him a slimey reptillian mutherfucker. LOL

03-04-2010, 01:28 PM
That is some crazy shit. I still find it hard to believe he was going to work with King again. In his documentary he made it clear that he hated King and he was the biggest piece of shit on earth. It doesn't really add up but I guess we'll see.

I think he called him a slimey reptillian mutherfucker. LOL

I havent seen the documentary but Don King can still bring in the huge money and I'm sure Tyson needs it.

No one knows Tyson better than King even though I agree he's a crook .Dont forget he's a murderer too

03-04-2010, 09:07 PM
Okay, just watched the vid. He's definitely lost some weight. I also see that he's still a crazy motherfucker.

03-04-2010, 09:13 PM
Okay, just watched the vid. He's definitely lost some weight. I also see that he's still a crazy motherfucker.

Yeah he'll always be a loon

03-05-2010, 09:26 PM
Don King denied the Holyfield -Tyson fight but didnt deny that he has been in talks with Tyson or that Tyson is training for a possible comeback.King also said him and Tyson have made up and Tyson said the samething while at Kings last boxing card

And the circus begins again.

03-05-2010, 09:49 PM
Tyson needs to knock King the fuck out.

King is, after all, "a slimy, reptilian motherfucker."

03-05-2010, 10:03 PM
Tyson needs to knock King the fuck out.

King is, after all, "a slimy, reptilian motherfucker."

And a murderer

Don King was born in Cleveland, Ohio. After dropping out of Kent State University, he ran an illegal bookmaking operation, and was charged for killing two men in separate incidents 13 years apart. The first was determined to be justifiable homicide after it was found that King shot Hillary Brown in the back and killed him while he was attempting to rob one of King's gambling houses.King was convicted of second degree murder for the second killing in 1966 after he was found guilty of stomping to death an employee, Sam Garrett, who owed him $600. In an ex parte meeting with King's attorney, the judge reduced King's conviction to nonnegligent manslaughter for which King served just under four years in prison.

03-18-2010, 03:55 AM
Tyson – Holyfield III

Iron Mike will be involved with a reality show on Animal Planet called “Taking on Tyson,” where contestants will take on Iron Mike in pigeon races. Evander Holyfield, a man that has been denying any talks of a Mike Tyson rematch when he returns to boxing is now making statements, noting that Tyson would only make money if he were to fight him.

The building blocks are beginning to come into view and the two will collide eventually, and Holyfield wants it a lot more than Tyson. Holyfield needs it a lot more than Tyson.

When you look at the Pay Per View buy rates, Tyson had 6 of the top 10, 4 of the top 5. He is still a hot ticket in the sport, and no matter who he fights, he will draw big money in his first comeback fight. Holyfield cannot draw anymore, unless he has Tyson. Holyfield – Fres Oquendo, Holyfield – Lou Savarese, Holyfield – Nikolay Valuev…all got dismal buy rates. The interest is gone in “The Real Deal” and the current wife beater allegations, child support avoidance, and public finally realizing that he is one of the dirtiest fighters to ever lace up the gloves, he has lost a lot of his fan base. He has been exposed for the man that he is.

I do find it amusing that so many journalists are interviewing Holyfield and asking him to dismiss the Tyson comeback, despite the fact that it has been confirmed by Don King and despite the fact that he has been contacting King in hopes of getting the rematch and turning a buck.

Mike Tyson – Evander Holyfield III will most likely happen, but it won’t be Tyson’s first go out of the gate. At this point, it still appears to be Tony Grano or Derric Rossy, according to an inside source.

just more of the same talk

03-18-2010, 01:30 PM
I still don't understand how multi-multi-multi-millionaires end up going broke.

03-18-2010, 02:22 PM
I still don't understand how multi-multi-multi-millionaires end up going broke.

The sameway people that make 50k a year go broke.

They spend more than they make

03-18-2010, 04:09 PM
Ya'll saw the Hangover. Motherfucker has a TIGER!

03-18-2010, 05:05 PM
The sameway people that make 50k a year go broke.

They spend more than they make

My point is that it's difficult for me to fathom that level of retardation.

Honestly, I don't see how someone who's ever had access to more than, say, 5 million dollars has ever bought anything on credit. When I read shit about actors and sports stars banking $200M plus in their careers and yet somehow they end up with credit woes, it's just astounding. I would be paying cash for EVERYTHING.

03-18-2010, 05:54 PM
The sameway people that make 50k a year go broke.

They spend more than they make

My point is that it's difficult for me to fathom that level of retardation.

Honestly, I don't see how someone who's ever had access to more than, say, 5 million dollars has ever bought anything on credit. When I read shit about actors and sports stars banking $200M plus in their careers and yet somehow they end up with credit woes, it's just astounding. I would be paying cash for EVERYTHING.

My question is do you pay for everything in cash? Probably not because just like Tyson you dont want to wait to purchase something.He got the 300 million over 20 years not all at once.Had he got 300 million at once he could have bought his 6 houses and 20 cars in cash but when you get an average of 3 million a year over 5 years,then 8 million over 5 and so on you dont get the 35 million dollar checks till the end of your career and who wants to wait till their 40 when they can have it all at 23 by signing loans?

300 million over 20 years is 15 million a year ,less than a lot of actors and you hear about actors going broke all the time(Nicolas Cage).

Now making 15 million a year average after taxes ,promoters,trainers, drivers, stylist, maids and publist you're probably looking at around 7.5 million per year . The house payments on the houses are probably close to 2 million a year ,property taxes are close to 500k a year. So you're down to 5 million a year and that doesnt include jewelry ,his 20 cars,motorcycles, boats , planes, trips,5k suits, and 150 leeching friends .I'd say after everything Tyson had probably close to 2 million a year to put in savings. When you quit boxing after 20 years and you have 30 year loans on 6 houses and not alot of money saved its easy to see how he went broke.

Now is he stupid for going broke? Yes but so is everyone else that ends up bankrupt because they overspend also just on a smaller level ::handshake::

03-18-2010, 09:34 PM
I'll say this shit, if I was making $5 million a year then I would still never buy shit on credit. I mean, fuck, let's say my ass had 5 million in the bank right now and knew that that's what I had to live on for the next 365 days. I could go buy a $3 million house, a Lamborghini AND a BMW, and enough top end shit to fully furnish it all, and still have over a million left over for vacations, drugs, and prostitutes.

Probably the most money in a year--after taxes-- that I've ever made in my life is around $19,000 and I was able to live decently on that.

03-18-2010, 10:00 PM
I'll say this shit, if I was making $5 million a year then I would still never buy shit on credit. I mean, fuck, let's say my ass had 5 million in the bank right now and knew that that's what I had to live on for the next 365 days. I could go buy a $3 million house, a Lamborghini AND a BMW, and enough top end shit to fully furnish it all, and still have over a million left over for vacations, drugs, and prostitutes.

Probably the most money in a year--after taxes-- that I've ever made in my life is around $19,000 and I was able to live decently on that.

I totally agree with you.I think all these morons that go broke that had 100s of millions are idiots. I wasnt defending his ignorance I was just explaining how it can happen.

Most of these guys that go broke didnt have anyone to show them how to manage their money,everyone was too busy trying to make money off them.

Most people are too stupid to manage 40k a year so it doesnt surprise me when millionares go broke .Just because they're rich doesnt mean they dont have a 70 IQ

03-18-2010, 10:10 PM
I think the problem is that people always want more. I mean, I admit, the highest paying job I ever had was $30K a year (before taxes) and I've certainly wanted more. But it seems that you would eventually hit a point where you're like, "Okay, I have enough now" and would focus on other things. Granted, I've never been there to know for sure, but I think that if I were making a few million a year then I'd be cool. Maybe even a million. The only things I would lack would be a fucking mega-house custom built to my specifications with 30 rooms, including a vintage 80s arcade and an armory, and a private jet. Those are two things that I've always wanted that I'd really need more than a million a year to have. But other than that, I think my needs would pretty much be met.

03-18-2010, 10:30 PM
I think the problem is that people always want more. I mean, I admit, the highest paying job I ever had was $30K a year (before taxes) and I've certainly wanted more. But it seems that you would eventually hit a point where you're like, "Okay, I have enough now" and would focus on other things. Granted, I've never been there to know for sure, but I think that if I were making a few million a year then I'd be cool. Maybe even a million. The only things I would lack would be a fucking mega-house custom built to my specifications with 30 rooms, including a vintage 80s arcade and an armory, and a private jet. Those are two things that I've always wanted that I'd really need more than a million a year to have. But other than that, I think my needs would pretty much be met.

People do get to the point where they have enough things .Those are the ones that turn to drugs and turn into addicts instead of going bankrupt

Not many rich people just become happy and live a great life even though they should

03-18-2010, 10:44 PM
I'd really like to not have to worry about money. I don't feel that money alone would satisfy me, but it would silence one of my constant worries, and would allow me to spend my time pursuing things in my daily life that were meaningful and important to me, instead of going to work doing shit I fucking hate and don't give a fuck about.

03-18-2010, 11:00 PM
I'd really like to not have to worry about money. I don't feel that money alone would satisfy me, but it would silence one of my constant worries, and would allow me to spend my time pursuing things in my daily life that were meaningful and important to me, instead of going to work doing shit I fucking hate and don't give a fuck about.

Amen ::handshake::

03-21-2010, 05:26 PM
These idiots didnt blow as much as Tyson, but still pathetic.

http://sports.espn.go.com/nba/columns/s ... 0otlwalker (http://sports.espn.go.com/nba/columns/story?page=100320otlwalker)

03-21-2010, 05:30 PM
These idiots didnt blow as much as Tyson, but still pathetic.

http://sports.espn.go.com/nba/columns/s ... 0otlwalker (http://sports.espn.go.com/nba/columns/story?page=100320otlwalker)

I just read Walker was attempting a comeback. Maybe he and Sprewell can play with each other cause no one else wants them