View Full Version : Some help with an MMA project

03-07-2010, 11:39 AM
Hey all. I was wondering if I could ask a favor of some of you.

I'm developing some software that originally started as a pet project/class project. I'm writing some web software that helps keep track of your MMA bets, the lines, your statistics, and etc. It started out as an HCI (Human Computer Interaction) project that evolved into something that I thought I could use for myself as I start making more and more bets. Since I'm new to this, I thought something that could automatically chart out lines, stats, and etc might also come in handy.

Anyway, I thought that if I was having some issues and didn't want to deal with a complex Excel spreadsheet, others would as well... so I expanded it a little bit to accommodate more users.

So... I'm looking for feedback on what I have so far. User interface elements, functionality... also since you are in the 'industry' I'm looking for feasibility feedback and things that - if you were to use the system - you would like to see added. Optimally, I'd like to have 5 people or so use it for a month and see what they like, don't like, what bugs them, and what they wish they could see there. User testing is part of my assignment so I thought I'd get some 'real' user testing instead of classmates who know nothing about it (and probably look at me funny)

It's just a start, and has some incomplete functionality, but you'll get the idea on where it's headed. If it's useful, I'll keep it up after the semester.

Anyway, if you're interested, let me know and I'll send you web address and login information.

Thanks a bunch,


03-07-2010, 11:45 AM
I have it pulled up in my tabs and intend to check it out later today. Looks interesting so far. I'll drop you a line with some thoughts before the end of the night.

03-07-2010, 04:03 PM
Thanks much... I appreciate it .