View Full Version : Dumb Fuck Sacramento Bee Writer Says Faber Should Retire

04-26-2010, 03:35 PM
One of the tough things about combat sports is that fighters compete so infrequently that every single loss seems like the end of the world. In other sports athletes can usually end a losing streak the next day or the next week, but in fighting losses take on added significance because you won't get a chance to win again for months.

In the case of Urijah Faber, the former WEC featherweight champion who lost to Jose Aldo on Saturday, it's going to be at least a few months before he can put aside the ridiculous notion that he needs to retire.

Here's what Victor Contreras, the Deputy Sports Editor of Faber's hometown Sacramento Bee, writes that Faber should do:

Retire. Retire now, not after another loss in which you're cheered entering the octagon and booed leaving it.

Faber couldn't beat Aldo on Saturday night or any other day of the week. No shame in that.

Aldo is a young, powerful kid. He didn't even use most of his aggressive arsenal against a foe he truly respected.

Faber has made Sacramento proud, restoring pride to a once-great fighting city. He's a true warrior who has survived many battles.

Why risk tarnishing that image or risk the chance of injury?

Take a bow, Urijah.

This is, in a word, stupid. Faber doesn't need to retire at age 30 just because he can't beat Aldo. He has plenty of good fights left in him and should return to the cage just as soon as his badly bruised leg will allow him.

http://www.mmafighting.com/2010/04/26/u ... to-retire/ (http://www.mmafighting.com/2010/04/26/urijah-fabers-hometown-paper-tells-him-to-retire/)

04-26-2010, 03:43 PM
What is with this mindset that if you can't beat the champ then you just don't have any business fighting?

If that's the case then just about every division would be vacant because nearly al fighters would have to retire.

04-26-2010, 03:51 PM
I saw that pretty stupid imo

here's the direct link to the article:


04-26-2010, 04:00 PM
Faber still has plenty of shit to do.

He still has to fight Torres. He still has to fight Kid. Those two fights have been talked about forever.

He also could go to 135 permanently and go after Cruz.

And if he's open to leaving the WEC, there are plenty of good fights in Japan.

04-26-2010, 04:02 PM
Faber still has plenty of shit to do.

He still has to fight Torres. He still has to fight Kid. Those two fights have been talked about forever.

He also could go to 135 permanently and go after Cruz.

And if he's open to leaving the WEC, there are plenty of good fights in Japan.

You dont think he'd have a problem dropping to 135?

04-26-2010, 04:05 PM
You dont think he'd have a problem dropping to 135?

Not at all. He's said before that he could do it easily. He's also said that he actually has a hard time keeping his weight up to fight in the FW division. He said he walks around at about 154 and has to eat a lot to stay there.

04-27-2010, 12:18 PM
Absolutely nothing wrong with that sentiment. Perhaps he knows Faber much more personally than you guys and cares about his health. The damage accumulated in fights and training is obviously cumulative. As far as his career arc, not only is he not beating Aldo, he has two losses to another guy who just took a big step down in the rankings. I think he's well off financially and 30 IS about the time one needs to start thinking about long term health, especially as the injuries begin to pile up, and the performance starts to ebb. Better a fight or two early than too late.


04-27-2010, 12:53 PM
^^are you serious or just being devils advocate? You assume he knows Faber personally while I just take the more logical assumption that he's a disrespectful prick who's talking out of his ass.

04-27-2010, 01:00 PM
Well I think it is a GIVEN that he knows Faber. I think it is illogical to believe that he doesn't. Have you been to Sacramento? Secondarily, I don't think he HAS to retire, but I don't think it would be a bad decision either, for the reasons I indicated, so I won't repeat myself. Why are you so easily offended?

04-27-2010, 01:12 PM
Here's an interview with this clown by someone who actually DOES know Faber from Sacramento(Carmicheal Dave). As I suspected, he's exposed as a know-nothing jackass who is just trolling in his 'article' to provoke a reaction. He's not even an MMA reporter and thinks MMA is "barbaric". Worth a listen if you've got a few minutes and want to hear a douchebag get put in his place.


04-27-2010, 03:39 PM
Worth a listen, but talk about an 'arrogant prick.'

04-28-2010, 04:18 PM
Worth a listen, but talk about an 'arrogant prick.'

Are you referring to me or the radio host?

If the host, then yeah he annoys me too, but I can accept it for the time being.