View Full Version : Strikeforce: Los Angeles

05-19-2010, 09:20 PM

Just dropped 2u on Robbie. I really don't have a lot of faith Babalu and Lawler has some good all-around skills in addition to his ability to knock you the fuck out at any given moment.

05-20-2010, 12:08 AM
Seriously, 11 views and no one has any thoughts on this fight?

You guys fucking suck as posters!

05-20-2010, 12:23 AM
I think it's a pretty good line for Robbie Lawler, after the TKO by Mousasi, I don't see the drive, maybe a couple of years ago might be better. I don't think this one will be close, 2U on Lawler!!

05-20-2010, 12:33 AM
I think it's a pretty good line for Robbie Lawler, after the TKO by Mousasi, I don't see the drive, maybe a couple of years ago might be better. I don't think this one will be close, 2U on Lawler!!

Yes. YES!!!!!!!! You see? This ^^^^ is the sort of initiative that I expect to see around here.

Now, Senor Mackdaddy73 . . . I expect you to go find an appropriate avatar. It should be something martial arts related. Preferably something having to do with ninjas.

Ninjas are the shit.

05-20-2010, 12:33 AM

3 of Lawler's 5 losses have been by submission
18 of Babalu's 35 wins have been by submission
Babalu is the naturally bigger fighter.
Lawler was submitted quickly by the naturally smaller Jake Shields.


05-20-2010, 12:38 AM
I'm pretty sure this goes against the rules but... Fuck you, honkey.

But seriously, I think this is the ultimate battle of the overrated's. Babalu has to be shaken up with the way Mousasi more or less walked right through him. Lawlor represents the same kind of matchup(kind of) that Liddell did in a guy with wrestling on par with Babalu's and the kind of guy who will likely force a standup battle where he(Lawlor) has the advantage. I'm not saying Babalu doesn't have a chance, this should be a good fight, I'm just saying I give the wrestling edge to Lawlor, and the power striking edge to Lawlor as well. Babalu has a couple outs here. IF he can secure a takedown he may be able to steal this fight with top control and a submission. If he can't, he may just have to hope to get really lucky.

I just might jump on Babalu if his line gets a little better. Hopefully it gets to like +180ish. But if they stay here the real value is on Lawlor.

05-20-2010, 12:44 AM
I'm pretty sure this goes against the rules but... Fuck you, honkey.

Rules, schmules.

Now with that said, you back talk me again and you'll find yourself on the banned list. Or at the very least I'll say something about your mom.

But seriously, I think this is the ultimate battle of the overrated's. Babalu has to be shaken up with the way Mousasi more or less walked right through him. Lawlor represents the same kind of matchup(kind of) that Liddell did in a guy with wrestling on par with Babalu's and the kind of guy who will likely force a standup battle where he(Lawlor) has the advantage. I'm not saying Babalu doesn't have a chance, this should be a good fight, I'm just saying I give the wrestling edge to Lawlor, and the power striking edge to Lawlor as well. Babalu has a couple outs here. IF he can secure a takedown he may be able to steal this fight with top control and a submission. If he can't, he may just have to hope to get really lucky.

I just might jump on Babalu if his line gets a little better. Hopefully it gets to like +180ish. But if they stay here the real value is on Lawlor.

I pretty much agree. So does my 2u. I hope Lawler knocks him the fuck out in a serious way.

And yeah. . . Babalu straight got put into a fucking coma by Mousasi. Where was that sort of initiative against King Mo?

05-20-2010, 01:10 AM
Clearly Mousasi didn't want anyone betting the Favorite that night making money so he played the gunshy cowboy all night.

05-20-2010, 03:06 AM
I think it's a pretty good line for Robbie Lawler, after the TKO by Mousasi, I don't see the drive, maybe a couple of years ago might be better. I don't think this one will be close, 2U on Lawler!!

Yes. YES!!!!!!!! You see? This ^^^^ is the sort of initiative that I expect to see around here.

Now, Senor Mackdaddy73 . . . I expect you to go find an appropriate avatar. It should be something martial arts related. Preferably something having to do with ninjas.

Ninjas are the shit.

Thanks SPX, I heard about this sight by MMA Scientist and love it, finally people who actually have real opinions on fights, keep up the good work!! ::beerchug::

05-20-2010, 03:59 AM
And lets hear it for SPX's best Diego Sanchez impersonation!

05-20-2010, 08:28 AM
Thanks SPX, I heard about this sight by MMA Scientist and love it, finally people who actually have real opinions on fights, keep up the good work!! ::beerchug::

Welcome aboard!

Scientist ::winna::

05-20-2010, 09:22 AM
I give the wrestling edge to Babalu. Babalu was on the Brazilian national wrestling team. Not that Brazilian wrestling is great, but he is better than Lawler. Too bad his cardio is only good for about 3 minutes.

Prime Babalu would rule Lawler. But today, Lawler will win because Babalu will gas.

05-20-2010, 10:22 AM
Thanks SPX, I heard about this sight by MMA Scientist and love it, finally people who actually have real opinions on fights, keep up the good work!! ::beerchug::

Glad to have you. Unfortunately, anyone who comes in on a referral by MMA Scientist has to undergo a 30 day probation period because, well, you know what they say about the company you keep. . .

Nah, just kidding.

Anyway, good avatar. Bloodsport is actually my favorite movie of all time.

05-20-2010, 10:29 AM
Unfortunately, anyone who comes in on a referral by MMA Scientist has to undergo a 30 day probation period because, well, you know what they say about the company you keep. . .

Have fun with Zy and Luke then... BillyPilgrim made this forum. Everyone got sick of my losing plays and obvious grappling bias and decided to seek out other discussion.

05-20-2010, 10:55 AM
War Billy Pilgrim!

05-20-2010, 08:33 PM
Anyway, good avatar. Bloodsport is actually my favorite movie of all time.

Yeah, Bloodsport was a classic, but to go slightly off topic for a sec: Does anyone else find that learning more about martial arts has diminished their enjoyment of martial-arts movies? I'm so used to trying to evaluate fighters now, when I see a kung-fu movie I'm like - "This looks sooo fake" or "These guys all suck!"

05-20-2010, 08:38 PM
Anyway, good avatar. Bloodsport is actually my favorite movie of all time.

Yeah, Bloodsport was a classic, but to go slightly off topic for a sec: Does anyone else find that learning more about martial arts has diminished their enjoyment of martial-arts movies? I'm so used to trying to evaluate fighters now, when I see a kung-fu movie I'm like - "This looks sooo fake" or "These guys all suck!"

Truth. I hate action flicks in general. The older I get, the less I care to see crap get blown up and fight choreography.

Also, wb. I thought we lost you after the great Strikeforce fiasco of 2010.

05-20-2010, 08:41 PM
Also, wb. I thought we lost you after the great Strikeforce fiasco of 2010.

Yeah, haven't had a night that bad since Vera v. Jones. But no, I'm just crazy busy these days.

05-20-2010, 08:43 PM
Well I lost 11u, soo...

Lucky for me, I sit at a desk all day most days, so I have plenty of time to goof off.

05-20-2010, 09:43 PM
Yeah, Bloodsport was a classic, but to go slightly off topic for a sec: Does anyone else find that learning more about martial arts has diminished their enjoyment of martial-arts movies? I'm so used to trying to evaluate fighters now, when I see a kung-fu movie I'm like - "This looks sooo fake" or "These guys all suck!"

I would say probably to an extent. I do know that as a kid one thing that pumped me up so much about martial arts movies was that I thought I could learn kung fu or karate or whatever and fight in real life like they did in the movies. Once I realized that was never going to happen, I would say shit went a little downhill, which brings up another point about movies in general: I think that, if only on a subconscious level, when people watch a movie they want to believe that what they see on the screen is actually possible, and possibly is something that they could do at some point. I mean, everyone wants to be the hero who displays astounding skills and gets the girl.

With all that said, I do still enjoy good fight choreography, and one of my ambitions is to eventually make films, and I'd love to choreograph fights myself one day.

BTW, the very first article I ever had published was in the 2007 issue of Black Belt magazine and it was a top 10 list of martial arts movies.

05-21-2010, 12:19 AM
Yeah I love Bloodsport, I never got sick of watching it!!! I think my first martial arts movie was Enter the Dragon then do you guys remember Gymkata ( I think that's the name ), definately good movies back in the day!!

05-21-2010, 11:23 AM
Yeah I love Bloodsport, I never got sick of watching it!!! I think my first martial arts movie was Enter the Dragon then do you guys remember Gymkata ( I think that's the name ), definately good movies back in the day!!

Yeah man, I've seen Gymkata. It's a fun movie for sure.

Since we're visiting the 80s, I'll also throw out all the Sho Kosugi ninja movies (Revenge of the Ninja especially), American Ninja I and II, Kickboxer, No Retreat No Surrender, The Last Dragon, and, while not exactly a martial arts movie, Big Trouble in Little China.

05-21-2010, 11:27 AM
Big Trouble in Little China is a good movie for real, not just when you were 12... I legitimately enjoy that movie even now.

No retreat, No Surrender... I loved that when I was a kid. Today, it is pure nostalgia.

Is The Last Dragon the one where his hands glow and he catches the bullet in his teeth? Because that was awesome.

05-21-2010, 11:37 AM
Big Trouble in Little China is a good movie for real, not just when you were 12... I legitimately enjoy that movie even now.

I agree 100%. John Carpenter was in top form for that one. In my opinion it's the best film he ever did.

Is The Last Dragon the one where his hands glow and he catches the bullet in his teeth? Because that was awesome.

Damn right. Fucking love that movie!


05-21-2010, 12:24 PM
When I was a kid, I used to watch all the kung fu movies that came on. I taped this one called "Master of the Flying Guillotine." I loved that thing so much... In fact, all this talk has inspired me to get a copy.


This thing blew my mind when I was 10. I hope it is still as awesome as I remember. I haven't seen it since probably the 5th grade, a year in which I watched the fight scenes at least 1000 times.

05-21-2010, 12:43 PM
^^^ Interesting. I have not seen that one.

It's an unfortunate shame that often times going back and watching movies that seemed awesome as a kid do not seem so awesome 20 years later. I've been burned by that more times than one. Best of luck on this one, though.

05-21-2010, 12:46 PM
^^ I had no idea it was such a classic. I thought I was the only one who knew about it. After reading the Wiki, my hopes are high that it is still awesome.

05-21-2010, 12:56 PM
You'll have to let me know. If it is awesome, then I'll try to check it out.