View Full Version : Harold Howard attacks Steve Jennum in a parking lot!

05-21-2010, 11:59 AM
OK, maybe not, but still


Two victims, both attacked from behind in the early morning hours in store parking lots. Police are trying to determine if the incidents are related and if the three suspects arrested Tuesday are the only ones responsible.
The trio picked on the wrong victim Tuesday morning, an off-duty police officer. The robbery attempt was the second in as many days.
Shortly after 1:30 a.m. Monday, 28-year-old Amanda Lieb was leaving the Walgreens at 132nd and West Center. "The victim was walking towards her vehicle and was struck from behind with a bottle," says Omaha Police Sgt. Teresa Negron.
A young man stole her purse, car keys, and merchandise that she had just purchased. He got into a white, four-door sedan occupied by two other suspects and drove off.
It happened again Tuesday just after midnight in the Baker's parking lot at 136th and P in Millard. This time, they targeted the wrong person, an off-duty police officer.
"He was able to prevent the suspect from striking him from behind with the bottle and struggled with the victims, obviously his training added to what he was able to do," says Sgt. Negron.
The officer, Steve Jennum, has had extensive training in the martial arts, trained enough to instruct others. In fact, he's a one-time Ultimate Fighter Champion.
Jennum struggled with one of the suspects until another pulled a knife. Jennum says he backed off and the suspects fled.
Jennum reported it to police and then started searching the area for the three in the white car who attacked him. He found the car parked at 131st and D Plaza, then notified his police friends and they arrested 20-year-old Manuel Robles.
Robles was booked as an accessory to a felony. Police later arrested the two other suspects, 18-year-old Alisha Sickels of Omaha and 18-year old Jessica Whittaker of Washington, Illinois.
Police caution us that even though they have special patrols out in some parking lots, it's up to us to be aware of our surroundings and any potential danger.
They advise us to park as close to the door of an establishment as possible and beneath a light.
There are other safety tips to keep in mind. "If you have that gut feeling, just get away from that person you feel is suspicious, as far away as possible, carry a whistle, carry mace, talk on your cell phone," says Deputy Cindy Christiansen with the Douglas County Sheriff’s Department.
If you have your hands full with a lot of packages, you could be an easier target, so ask security to walk you to your car and if there isn't security, be extra alert.
Another thing, make sure you have your keys out and ready to unlock your car long before you ever get to it and if someone does make you feel unsafe, get inside your car and lock the doors as quickly as possible.
"Criminals target everywhere and just because it is west Omaha does not mean you will not become a victim, so you have to always be aware before you leave the house of what could happen," says Deputy Christiansen.

05-21-2010, 12:03 PM
LOL good find.

Isn't Harold Howard in prison anyways? I know he drove his truck like into the mall or some shit last year.

05-21-2010, 12:05 PM
I'm not being facetious at all when I saw that Jennum never got the respect he deserved. People were too busy complaining about how he got lucky with winning his UFC as an alternate--which is true--and never really paid attention to the fact that he was one of the most complete fighters in the early days. The very fact that he had any semblance of both striking and grappling abilities at that point in the game is significant.

05-21-2010, 12:19 PM
I'm not being facetious at all when I saw that Jennum never got the respect he deserved. People were too busy complaining about how he got lucky with winning his UFC as an alternate--which is true--and never really paid attention to the fact that he was one of the most complete fighters in the early days. The very fact that he had any semblance of both striking and grappling abilities at that point in the game is significant.

Jennum dominated Melton Bowen, a legit pro boxer. Toney/Couture has nothing on Bowen/Jennum.

These questions have already been answered. I don't know why there is so much intrigue around boxers fighting MMA. They can't win unless they also train mma, period.

05-21-2010, 12:23 PM
Jennum dominated Melton Bowen, a legit pro boxer.

So is that to say that you agree that Jennum was more advanced for his time than most people give him credit for?

These questions have already been answered. I don't know why there is so much intrigue around boxers fighting MMA. They can't win unless they also train mma, period.

It's because people know that shit like Sylvia/Mercer can happen.

05-21-2010, 12:24 PM
He ended his career at 2-3.


05-21-2010, 12:27 PM
Jennum dominated Melton Bowen, a legit pro boxer.

So is that to say that you agree that Jennum was more advanced for his time than most people give him credit for?

I respect Jennum, he had the right idea... was one of the first to blend styles, I agree.

05-21-2010, 12:28 PM
I never said he was elite. I just said that he deserves more respect than he gets.

05-21-2010, 12:30 PM
Nothing says 'well rounded' like being bullied against the cage and neck cranked by Tank Abbott.

05-21-2010, 12:30 PM
Ok enough trolling from me

05-21-2010, 12:34 PM
Nothing says 'well rounded' like being bullied against the cage and neck cranked by Tank Abbott.

Tank had a slight weight advantage.

I agree though, he wasn't that good, but he had the right idea about playing to weaknesses.

05-21-2010, 12:40 PM
I respect Jennum, he had the right idea... was one of the first to blend styles, I agree.

He was actually affiliated with Robert Bussey's Warrior International organization.

Bussey himself was ahead of his time, as he had developed a fighting style that focused on practicality and well-roundedness, incorporating elements from several different martial arts styles, including both stand-up and grappling arts.

05-21-2010, 12:52 PM
Its funny how quickly the martial arts evolved after UFC 1. When Keith Hackney fough Royce, he tried to sprawl and brawl him... bam a strategy for beating bjj was born. As it turns out, learning to stuff takedowns is probably more work than earning his blackbelt in white tiger karate, but still, he had an idea.

Now the tide has turned to how to nullify the sprawl. So now bjj guys realize they basically have to be olympic wrestlers too.

05-21-2010, 01:26 PM
The history of martial arts in general is pretty interesting.

I'm trying to figure out, though, how it is that in a country so focused on martial arts as China was throughout their history, how it is that they never worked it out over the centuries to go the Bruce Lee route of emphasizing the most direct and simple movements.

I would really love to go back in time to the 16th century or whatever and see two high-level kung fu guys go at it. I'm really curious about what that would even look like.

05-21-2010, 01:32 PM
LOL good find.

Isn't Harold Howard in prison anyways? I know he drove his truck like into the mall or some shit last year.

Yeah, he is on lock down right now.

Wife Beater MMA FTW!

05-21-2010, 03:50 PM
Sprawl and Brawl is great until you get clinched and tripped down, which Royce did use quite a bit especially against the bigger and more powerful strikers.

05-21-2010, 05:00 PM
Sprawl and Brawl is great until you get clinched and tripped down, which Royce did use quite a bit especially against the bigger and more powerful strikers.

One of the things that has gotten lost along the way with the new generation of BJJ fighters is the takedowns. BJJ has always focused on the ground, but they were all judo blackbelts too. They had takedowns. BJJ today has lost that element because the sport aspect of bjj does not award takedowns (it does give 2 points, but you can just guard pull and no one gets any points).

The old school instructors still teach the takedowns.

Its like the opposite of what happened to judo. The standup was so much more important that the ground got diminished. Now the judo guys arent good on the ground.

If Judo would have never become an olympic sport, there would be no BJJ, maybe no MMA as we know it. Butterfly effect.

05-21-2010, 05:04 PM
^^^ Are you familiar at all with Kosen judo?

I have only heard about it in passing, but I hear that groundwork is emphasized quite a bit more than in today's Kodokan system.

05-21-2010, 05:17 PM
^ yes. I have heard that as well, I think that is what Aoki trained in.

Its what happens to all martial arts, they get watered down. Kyokushin Karate is bad ass. It is nothing like the weak sauce Shotokan karate that you see 9 year old blackbelts.

The cool thing about bjj is that we have the lineage system. So if someone claims to be a blackbelt, you can immediately find out its legitimacy by asking the lineage. If they beat around the bush at all, or don't give specific names, its a sham. The further from the source, the less you know what you are getting.

But I have said it before, BJJ is not about the moves. Judo had all the same moves, with the exception of some of the new guard work, which is all stupid anyway. I have never seen an omoplata in Judo. But even before Judo, Pankration, JuJitsu (which is really all encompassing) had the moves. Hell I invented the americana when I was like 8. I used to dominate my brother with the americana from side control... I thought I made it up. BUt BJJ practices the ground, so they are the best at the ground.

I hate how Americans bastardize and sell every single martial art that comes along.

05-21-2010, 05:33 PM
As someone who actually did Judo, I just wish they would give equal emphasis to standing and ground work. I'd like to see a true 50/50 split.

I've heard that there's something of a movement within the judo community to go back to pre-Olympic tournament rules. Not sure what's going on with that, but I'd really like to see it happen, even if it takes the form of a rogue breakaway group who sets up a new organization and just ignores the established players.

In regard to martial arts getting watered down, I hear you on that and concur. It's stupid. They want to mass market it and make it appealing to all ages and backgrounds. That sucks. I don't necessarily think that we need to go back to old school training styles where the instructor basically beat the shit out of the students on a daily basis, but the "martial" part of martial arts needs to be retained.

TKD is basically the most reviled of all martial arts right now, and that's because it is so watered down. But I have heard stories from GIs about TKD training in the 50s and it was some serious shit.

With that said, I have heard that ITF TKD is more "pure" as compared to WTF/Olympic style. Having seem some ITF stuff, I would agree. It's kind of like kickboxing in their tournament/competition style. I wouldn't mind training in it myself.

05-21-2010, 05:38 PM
With that said, I have heard that ITF TKD is more "pure" as compared to WTF/Olympic style. Having seem some ITF stuff, I would agree. It's kind of like kickboxing in their tournament/competition style. I wouldn't mind training in it myself.

If you watched the Fightquest TKD episode, that definately looked more hardcore than what we normally see. I don't know how effective it would be, but I wouldn't want to trade kicks with those guys.

05-21-2010, 05:51 PM
If you watched the Fightquest TKD episode, that definately looked more hardcore than what we normally see. I don't know how effective it would be, but I wouldn't want to trade kicks with those guys.

I think Fightquest is available for streaming on Netflix, so I will go home and look that up. If I can, I will watch it tonight, because that sounds interesting.

From what I understand, many ITF practitioners are actually a little arrogant about it and like to go on about how they practice "real" TKD because the ITF--and I guess this goes back to lineages, like you were talking about earlier--can be traced back to General Choi, who could more or less be called the creator of modern TKD. The WTF spun off and changed the style considerably, at least in emphasis if not technique. In fact, I remember reading a comment attributed to Gen. Choi where he said something along the lines of, "I would be happy to see the martial art I created receiving Olympic recognition, but what you see in the Olympics is not the martial art I created."

I know that, unlike WTF/Olympic TKD, ITF practitioners don't wear 20 lbs of pads when they spar, punches are allowed to the head, and instead of stop-point competitions they usually go for two 2-minute continuous rounds.

There are some things I don't like about it, like no clinch fighting and only straight punches allowed, but overall from what I've seen it's kind of pimp and I would like to maybe give it a try at some point.

05-21-2010, 06:40 PM
Here's a vid of an ITF TKD guy who has made a a relatively successful foray into MMA with a record of 14-9:


I've known about him for a little while, but was quite surprised to learn that, quite surprisingly, he's actually supposed to be fighting on tonight's Moosin card.

05-21-2010, 09:00 PM
Actually, a lot of those early UFC strikers did train in grappling, it just wasn't enough. I remember reading that Johnny Rhodes had originally impressed the Gracies by being a karate guy who "also did some stuff on the ground." Harold Howard tried to play up his jiu-jitsu skills in the interview. You could usually see the guys practicing some type of submission wrestling in their intro clips. Patrick Smith impressed me a bit by immediately taking the right lesson from his loss to Shamrock and trained nothing but grappling for a while, which took him to the finals in UFC 2, and Abbott wouldn't have had even his modest semblance of success without his wrestling background.

I'm glad to see someone mention the Gracie / Hackney fight. It was one of the underappreciated scraps of the early era.

05-21-2010, 09:01 PM
Keith Hackney is a bad ass. He runs an MMA school now.