View Full Version : UFC 114 - Watching

05-27-2010, 08:35 PM
I'm going to be in the Los Angeles area this weekend. Anyone live there? If so, where are some good places to watch the fights? If not... nevermind.

05-27-2010, 10:32 PM
No idea man sorry .

05-27-2010, 10:38 PM
On main street there is a great bar that shows the UFC fights for free, there is free drinks, and lots of hot women.


Just kidding, I live in Florida.

05-27-2010, 10:55 PM
^^^^LOL poopoo^^^^^^^

05-28-2010, 08:23 AM
On main street there is a great bar that shows the UFC fights for free, there is free drinks, and lots of hot women.

A place where the beer flows like wine. Where beautiful women instinctively flock like the salmon of Capistrano. I'm talking about a little place called Los Angeles.

Ah well... I'll just call around :)

05-28-2010, 08:58 PM
What part of LA? Lot's of good places in the beach cities. (Southbay) I'll be in the 12th row.

05-28-2010, 09:05 PM
What part of LA? Lot's of good places in the beach cities. (Southbay) I'll be in the 12th row.

I did some surfing out that way last week.

05-28-2010, 09:50 PM
[quote="mma-attorney":nrycwncp]What part of LA? Lot's of good places in the beach cities. (Southbay) I'll be in the 12th row.

I did some surfing out that way last week.[/quote:nrycwncp]

where in southbay?

So you were southbay surfing?

05-28-2010, 10:03 PM
Yup. Then I took a walk on the esplanade. It was fuckin Boss.

05-28-2010, 10:45 PM
Yup. Then I took a walk on the esplanade. It was fuckin Boss.

so is southbaysurfing and taking a esplanade kind of the samething?