View Full Version : Todd Duffee=cut by UFC

09-07-2010, 08:44 PM
http://mmajunkie.com/news/20558/ufc-rel ... duffee.mma (http://mmajunkie.com/news/20558/ufc-releases-heavyweight-prospect-todd-duffee.mma)

09-07-2010, 08:53 PM
something odd had to happen. No way they would cut him for performance. Maybe it had something to do with his injury. He probably had to be out for a year or something so they just cut him.

09-07-2010, 08:58 PM
Hello Strikeforce HW division

09-07-2010, 09:10 PM
wtf mate

09-07-2010, 09:34 PM
He deleted his twitter.

09-07-2010, 09:42 PM
Quote from Duffee's manager Alex Davis. Great one. Via text: "Well, I'm not sure exactly what the problem or problems were.I tryed [sic] hard to avoid, but Dana wasn't listening. It unfortunate, but Todd's an ass." Said Duffee will keep fighting, of course.

Via - http://twitter.com/SI_JoshGross

09-07-2010, 09:47 PM
Roid Rage ::handshake::

09-07-2010, 09:56 PM
My theory is that Duffee kept pulling out due to "injury" because he was messing up his cycles.

09-07-2010, 10:04 PM
Sounds like he was just a raging dickhead and he pissed someone off.

09-07-2010, 10:16 PM
You guys are being mean to Todd for no reason. None of you have proof. Yet I have proof that Dana White is a raging dickhead on steroids.

09-07-2010, 10:17 PM
I didn't say anything about steroids. I couldn't give a shit less if he takes steroids.

09-07-2010, 10:19 PM
Steroids aren't bad if you have a doctor monitoring you, and you don't abuse them.

09-07-2010, 10:21 PM
Steroids aren't bad if you have a doctor monitoring you, and you don't abuse them.

Steroids prescribed by doctors are stupid. They prescribe low ass dosages of test for old men that has no natural test production. No young athlete is going to need HRT, it won't do shit.

09-07-2010, 10:25 PM
Steroids aren't bad if you have a doctor monitoring you, and you don't abuse them.

Steroids prescribed by doctors are stupid. They prescribe low ass dosages of test for old men that has no natural test production. No young athlete is going to need HRT, it won't do shit.

Yeah cuz that's what he was talking about.

09-07-2010, 10:30 PM
Steroids aren't bad if you have a doctor monitoring you, and you don't abuse them.

Steroids prescribed by doctors are stupid. They prescribe low ass dosages of test for old men that has no natural test production. No young athlete is going to need HRT, it won't do shit.

Yeah cuz that's what he was talking about.

Well that is usually a case when a doctor monitors somebody's "steroid use". Anyways, steroids get too bad of a wrap. I think all fighters should take them and become supermen.

09-07-2010, 10:31 PM
They pretty much do.

09-07-2010, 10:33 PM
Well that is usually a case when a doctor monitors somebody's "steroid use". Anyways, steroids get too bad of a wrap. I think all fighters should take them and become supermen.


09-08-2010, 12:32 AM
Well that's fucking weird. Clearly there's more to this story than we know. Hopefully someone will push and get the details on this story, because I know the UFC didn't cut him because he lost his last fight.

09-08-2010, 08:38 AM
Maybe too much time surfing sherdog eating burritos?

09-08-2010, 12:25 PM
A little more info. . .

Todd Duffee’s sudden removal from the UFC roster late Tuesday has prompted much speculation regarding its cause. There has been no word from Duffee or the UFC on the subject, but his manager has shed a little light on the subject.

"Well, I'm not sure exactly what the problem or problems were.I tryed [sic] hard to avoid, but Dana wasn't listening. It unfortunate, but Todd's an asset and he will keep on fighting. He is a young kid and gets a lot of attention.," he wrote in a text message to Sports Illustrated reporter Josh Gross.

According to Gross, Duffee will be continuing with his professional MMA career. Gross tweeted, “Strikeforce matchmaker Rich Chou said "there is some interest" in Duffee.”

Sources around the young heavyweight are being very tight-lipped about what earned him his marching orders but many believe his recent comments about being broke and needing to find a second job have not gone down well with the UFC.

Duffee also took a part in a movie - the sequel to Never Back Down - which begins filming this month and is scheduled to wrap in November. Duffee plays a fighter in the film, but had pulled out of an October fight with John Madsen at UFC 121 citing a lingering knee injury.

With Duffee’s manager referencing Dana White in his text message, that points to there being at least one very specific reason for Duffee’s removal from the roster. Gross’ opinion is that it “sounds like accumulation of things led UFC to release Todd Duffee. Overall attitude probably being at the top.”

09-08-2010, 01:54 PM
I bet he was asking for more money

09-08-2010, 01:57 PM
Im sure it wont be long until Dana blasts him in the media.

09-08-2010, 06:37 PM
At least his experience at Dairy Queen gives him something to fall back on.

09-09-2010, 05:14 AM
The guy lost his job, really this stuff is nothing to laugh at. Imagine someone making cracks about McDonald's being your fall back job right after you got 86'd. He was already having money problems.

09-09-2010, 09:07 AM
The guy lost his job, really this stuff is nothing to laugh at. Imagine someone making cracks about McDonald's being your fall back job right after you got 86'd. He was already having money problems.

I agree.

09-09-2010, 10:59 AM
Todd Duffee (6-1 MMA, 1-1 UFC) knew what might be coming, but when word finally reached him that the world's biggest mixed-martial-arts promotion no longer needs his services, the heavyweight didn't know exactly how to react.

After just two fights in the UFC, Duffee's time in the octagon is over.

"I've had every emotion there is to have," Duffee told MMAjunkie.com (www.mmajunkie.com (http://www.mmajunkie.com)) in an exclusive interview. "Right now, I'm just kind of numb."

Duffee burst onto the UFC scene in August 2009 with a stunning seven-second knockout of Tim Hague. A star was born in the blink of an eye, and MMA fans were already declaring the chiseled monster The Next Big Thing.

But on Tuesday, he became just the next fighter released by the UFC. Official reason? Duffee said his walking papers cite a May loss to Mike Russow in which Duffee dominated for two-and-a-half rounds before being clipped by a right hand that ended his night in shocking and upset fashion.

"I don't know what happened," Duffee told MMAjunkie.com from the hotel room in Denver that he is currently calling home. "I first heard from my manager, Alex Davis, about a week ago that I might get cut. I have some friends that fight for other organizations, and they actually told me they had heard a rumor that I was about to be released, too.

"On Tuesday, I got the confirmation email saying I had been cut because I lost my last fight."

"As a man, you just want to hear why"

The UFC releasing fighters after a loss is nothing new. In an effort to bring the world's best fighters to the organization, UFC president Dana White and matchmaker Joe Silva are forced constantly to reevaluate the bulging roster and hire and fire as they see fit.

But to cut Duffee after just one loss breaks completely from typical form. And to do so more than three months after the fight? Surely something more must be in play.

MMA pundits have speculated that a contract dispute may have played a role. After all, Duffee openly petitioned on The Underground, a popular MMA forum, for a weekend job to help supplement his income.

Not so, says Duffee. He had two fights remaining on his deal and was content with the contract he signed.

Then how about the remarks made on Twitter, when Duffee condemned the UFC for their choice to discuss his past as a Dairy Queen employee?

All forgiven, says Duffee. Besides, he was never all that upset anyway, and that situation played out prior to his contest with Russow.

No, Duffee says he's not sure what may have influenced the UFC's choice, and that may be part of the reason it stings so much.

"Emotionally, I'm hurt," Duffee said. "I'm hurt more than anything because I don't know why. As a man, you just want to hear why so you can understand."

Duffee was approached by the UFC about fighting Jon Madsen in October, but he asked the promotion to push back the contest so he could nurse a few lingering injuries. However, he doesn't believe the release is a direct result of his request.

"They had talked about me fighting Madsen," Duffee said. "I asked if I could get some time.

"I had a knee injury going into the Russow fight. I'm not making any excuses because I lost that fight, and all props to Mike, but I definitely feel like it affected my gameplan and my mentality going into the fight. I didn't want that to happen again with Madsen. I wanted to be able to go out there and fight to my full potential instead of just boxing, basically. I asked for more time, and as far as I knew, they had granted it to me."

Unfortunately for Duffee, that time off is now indefinite.

MMAjunkie.com's request for comment from UFC officials went unanswered.

"I think the best is yet to come"

The 24-year-old isn't quite sure what comes next. He's in Denver in order to train with the famed Grudge Training Center crew, and he hopes to remain a part of the team. But for now, there is much uncertainty. Duffee dropped out of school to pursue his dreams of fighting, so returning to the classroom may even be an option.

"I still want to finish my degree," Duffee said. "I'd like to do it when I'm 35 and I'm walking around with a cane, but I may go back to school and take student loans out and try to be a student and a part-time fighter. I'm not sure.

"The one thing I know is that I want to fight as much as possible. I've just got to get healthy in the next month or two, and hopefully I can get busy in November or December."

Duffee likely will be suited by a host of MMA promotions, and he's certainly willing to listen. But he does hold out hope that a few wins outside of the UFC could earn him a return trip to the octagon.

"If I get 12 fights next year, I'm happy," Duffee said. "I'll settle for six. That will almost double the amount of pro fights I have right now. That's my goal. Maybe I rattle off three more wins real quick, and the UFC changes their mind and decides to re-sign me.

"I've just got to worry about getting healthy. I want to get fully healed, and then I'd like to fight once a month next year. I look at guys like (Strikeforce heavyweight) Daniel Cormier, and I think it's awesome. He fought three times in three weeks, and he won all three of them. I would love to go on a tear."

To call a UFC release a major setback would be a gross understatement. But Duffee has learned to deal with adversity in recent times.

"I've lost a lot of things this year," Duffee said. "I went from losing the biggest fight of my life to losing my dad two weeks later to losing my best friend a week after that. I lost a coach, and now I've lost my job. At this point, it isn't the worst thing that could ever happen to me. There are people who would kill to be in my situation, and I just have to stay positive and keep moving forward – tuck your chin and keep moving forward.

"I think the best is yet to come. I think this is a part of it, and we'll just kind of see what happens. In five or six years we may just look back and laughing about this. That's my goal."

In the meantime, Duffee will just try to enjoy the ride.

"I guess I can say I shouldn't have dropped out of college – stay in school, kids," Dufee joked. "This is my dream. It's just a bump in the road. I got to where I was at a little sooner that a lot of people. Now I have to go enjoy the journey. I definitely would like to get back the opportunity that I had in front of me just a few days ago. We'll just see where the road takes me.

"I know the UFC is running a business, and they're going to do what's best for them at the end of the day. I'm not going to harbor any hard feelings or anything like that. I'm just going to roll with punches. It's been a year of a lot of tough losses, but I think you grow from that. It's been a good run of bad luck. I'm just trying to stay positive and learn from these life experiences."

09-09-2010, 11:30 AM
I wonder if the UFC will ever tell us what really happened.

09-09-2010, 11:36 AM
The UFC is getting to that point that you know its not about the fights, fighters, or fans they are so big it's all coming down to the marketing and how much cash they are making after every show. It's just a cash machine to them, If your not seen as someone who has the potential to bring them more money your gone.

09-09-2010, 11:41 AM
^^^ Getting to that point? I think they've always been there.

Duffee was popular though, so it doesn't seem like this had anything to do with him not being a bankable star. Maybe he sent Dana a picture of himself masturbating to a video of Joe Silva or something.

BTW, Paul Harris looks straight roided the fuck out in that gif of yours.

09-09-2010, 11:45 AM
Yeah I thought Duffee was going to be brought along slowely and quietly build him up to be a challenger to Brock. Even with the lose he has huge potential. May be Dana cut him so Strikeforce would sign him and then he would win the Strikeforce Heavyweight belt, then the Ufc would resign him? It's a risky plan, but I guess it could work.

09-09-2010, 11:50 AM
Yeah I thought Duffee was going to be brought along slowely and quietly build him up to be a challenger to Brock. Even with the lose he has huge potential. May be Dana cut him so Strikeforce would sign him and then he would win the Strikeforce Heavyweight belt, then the Ufc would resign him? It's a risky plan, but I guess it could work.

An interesting idea, but I think the possibility of Duffee EVER beating guys like Fedor, Overeem, or Werdum is very small. Duffee has a lot of potential, but something tells me that he'll never be great.

09-09-2010, 11:59 AM
That's the dumbest idea ever. Never have a thought again sideloaded.

Pretty clearly he just angered the wrong people, and probably not with a single action either.

09-09-2010, 12:06 PM
Come on man everyone knows Dana white works in backdrop shady ways to take compilation out, Dana knows how big of a super star Overeem can be, but Dana is banking on Werdur beating Overeem again, Overeem leaving going back to japan and then Duffee can come in and beat the piss out of Werdum then steadily leave for the UFc refusing to FIght Fedor and in the process Crumbling Strikeforce at its foundations.

09-09-2010, 01:29 PM

09-09-2010, 01:43 PM
I wouldnt mind seeing Duffee-Rodgers

09-09-2010, 01:45 PM
I wouldnt mind seeing Duffee-Rodgers

Your mom has also expressed interest in that match-up.

09-09-2010, 02:21 PM
SF HW's > UFC HWs.

09-09-2010, 03:25 PM
SF HW's > UFC HWs.

JDS >>>>>>>>>> Anything SF has to offer, 'cept Fedor.

09-09-2010, 03:27 PM
I really really really really really want to see Overeem vs JDS. I would rather see that then Overeem vs Fedor.

09-09-2010, 03:46 PM
Man I would love is Duffee went to Sengoku and fought Ishii. That would one hell of a fight.

09-09-2010, 03:55 PM
SF HW's > UFC HWs.

JDS >>>>>>>>>> Anything SF has to offer, 'cept Fedor.

Agreed. JDS is also the best UFC HW IMO though. JDS is about to put the king back in striking.

09-09-2010, 04:12 PM
Agreed. JDS is also the best UFC HW IMO though. JDS is about to put the king back in striking.

How do you think he'd do against Cain? I believe zY thinks Cain will beat him. I think JDS will be the next HW champ, though.

09-09-2010, 04:18 PM
Brocky > all the rest

09-09-2010, 04:38 PM
Agreed. JDS is also the best UFC HW IMO though. JDS is about to put the king back in striking.

How do you think he'd do against Cain? I believe zY thinks Cain will beat him. I think JDS will be the next HW champ, though.

If Cain beats him, Brock beats him. I don't think he matches up well with either of them... but in a round robin of all HWs, I think JDS would beat more than Cain or Brock. For example, I think Werdum would beat Cain, but I think he would continue to lose to JDS.

We just have not seen his takedown defense against an elite wrestler yet, so I have the same questions... I used to think Cain would beat him, but now I think JDS would beat Cain. Cain was unable to finish Kongo and got chin-checked pretty hard in that fight. I have to think JDS has a better ground game than Kongo, and we KNOW he has better TD defense, I think JDS would have enough to shut Cain down. Brock is a tougher matchup for him IMO, I would probably slightly favor Brock. Brock has shown that once he puts you down, you stay there.

09-09-2010, 04:54 PM
Brock is a tougher matchup for him IMO, I would probably slightly favor Brock. Brock has shown that once he puts you down, you stay there.

Interesting. I think the other way around simply because Brock's striking defense isn't that great and once JDS blasts Brock that might be it. All fights start on the feet and Brock might not even get it to the ground before it's over.

What do you think of Cain vs Brock?

09-09-2010, 05:02 PM
Interesting. I think the other way around simply because Brock's striking defense isn't that great and once JDS blasts Brock that might be it. All fights start on the feet and Brock might not even get it to the ground before it's over.

What do you think of Cain vs Brock?

Yeah, I just think it is more likely that a giy can land a takedown before a guy can land a punch in general. So IF Brock can pit him down, my inclination is usually that the grappler will get at least a shot off or a clinch first.

I think Cain is going to beat Brock.

So I think JDS is going to be HW champ assuming he wins whatever fight they put in front of him next.

09-09-2010, 05:04 PM
Brock has shown that once he puts you down, you stay there.

Tell that to Randy. Brock got 2 takedowns in that fight and Randy got back to his feet from both, taking minimal damage. All Brock has shown is that once you punch Mir in the face, he quits, which we already knew. He won't hold Cain down like that. Even Brock was surprised that Mir couldn't get out of that stockade. In training he said guys were getting out.

I think Cain would even outstrike JDS. His offense is awesome but his defense is pretty bad.

I see the Kongo fight completely different than most people. For one, Kongo doesn't get NEAR enough credit for being the tough, resistant bastard that he is. He took a tremendous asswhooping from Cain and never quit. Kongo has been finished by strikes only once, and that was from Gilbert Yvel when he was basically too tired to defend himself. So it's a slight against Cain for dominating all but 2 seconds of the fight? Why does Brock not get shit for not finishing Herring?

And the punches that dropped him just show how good of a chin Cain has. Cain ran right into a massive right cross that turned his head completely sideways, and he stumbled long enough for Kongo to load up a right hook of doom that landed right on his chin. And then what happened? Cain picked him up and slammed him.

And Werdum over Cain? Just no. Cain would drop kick Werdum into the Pacific.

09-09-2010, 05:09 PM
[quote="MMA_scientist":3jxrxy78]Brock has shown that once he puts you down, you stay there.

Tell that to Randy. Brock got 2 takedowns in that fight and Randy got back to his feet from both, taking minimal damage. All Brock has shown is that once you punch Mir in the face, he quits, which we already knew. He won't hold Cain down like that. Even Brock was surprised that Mir couldn't get out of that stockade. In training he said guys were getting out.

I think Cain would even outstrike JDS. His offense is awesome but his defense is pretty bad.

I see the Kongo fight completely different than most people. For one, Kongo doesn't get NEAR enough credit for being the tough, resistant bastard that he is. He took a tremendous asswhooping from Cain and never quit. Kongo has been finished by strikes only once, and that was from Gilbert Yvel when he was basically too tired to defend himself. So it's a slight against Cain for dominating all but 2 seconds of the fight? Why does Brock not get shit for not finishing Herring?

And the punches that dropped him just show how good of a chin Cain has. Cain ran right into a massive right cross that turned his head completely sideways, and he stumbled long enough for Kongo to load up a right hook of doom that landed right on his chin. And then what happened? Cain picked him up and slammed him.

And Werdum over Cain? Just no. Cain would drop kick Werdum into the Pacific.[/quote:3jxrxy78]

That right there is 100% the truth.

09-09-2010, 05:37 PM
[quote="MMA_scientist":1itmafch]Brock has shown that once he puts you down, you stay there.

Tell that to Randy. Brock got 2 takedowns in that fight and Randy got back to his feet from both, taking minimal damage. All Brock has shown is that once you punch Mir in the face, he quits, which we already knew. He won't hold Cain down like that. Even Brock was surprised that Mir couldn't get out of that stockade. In training he said guys were getting out.

I think Cain would even outstrike JDS. His offense is awesome but his defense is pretty bad.

I see the Kongo fight completely different than most people. For one, Kongo doesn't get NEAR enough credit for being the tough, resistant bastard that he is. He took a tremendous asswhooping from Cain and never quit. Kongo has been finished by strikes only once, and that was from Gilbert Yvel when he was basically too tired to defend himself. So it's a slight against Cain for dominating all but 2 seconds of the fight? Why does Brock not get shit for not finishing Herring?

And the punches that dropped him just show how good of a chin Cain has. Cain ran right into a massive right cross that turned his head completely sideways, and he stumbled long enough for Kongo to load up a right hook of doom that landed right on his chin. And then what happened? Cain picked him up and slammed him.

And Werdum over Cain? Just no. Cain would drop kick Werdum into the Pacific.[/quote:1itmafch]

I said I think Cain will beat Brock. So I don't know why you are arguing that point.

Cain outstriking JDS? Based on what? Cain would/will get worked in the striking by JDS. JDS has put an absolute beating on everyone he has put his hands on... how you think Cain would win a striking battle with is beyond me. I think Werdum would win a striking battle with Cain striking as well. If it hits the mat, there is no reason to think that Cain would not get totally destroyed. I agree he has better striking than Brock, but it is nothing special. He is still mostly a top control wrestler with a gas tank. I am not sure why anyone rates Cain as highly as they do... he is a top 10 HW, but he only has 1 high quality win (Nog). Kongo is not a good fighter, he never was. Rothwell is solid, but still nothing to base a career off of.

For a guy that says he sees through the UFC hype machine, you sure are swinging from Cain's nuts for no real reason.

As for Brock... fine, another world class wrestler was able to briefy get away from him for a second before being planted again. I guess that means that Kongo would be able to get away from him as well. As for Herring, he beat Kongo...Brock should have been able to finish, but there was not even 1 second of that fight that Herring was not getting his ass kicked.

Does the beating Brock took from Carwin show how good of chin he has or does it show that he can't take a shot without turning his back and running like a 4th grader?

09-09-2010, 05:42 PM
Brock is not a world class wrestler. He never competed at that level.

09-09-2010, 06:11 PM
I said I think Cain will beat Brock. So I don't know why you are arguing that point.

Cain outstriking JDS? Based on what? Cain would/will get worked in the striking by JDS. JDS has put an absolute beating on everyone he has put his hands on... how you think Cain would win a striking battle with is beyond me. I think Werdum would win a striking battle with Cain striking as well. If it hits the mat, there is no reason to think that Cain would not get totally destroyed. I agree he has better striking than Brock, but it is nothing special. He is still mostly a top control wrestler with a gas tank. I am not sure why anyone rates Cain as highly as they do... he is a top 10 HW, but he only has 1 high quality win (Nog). Kongo is not a good fighter, he never was. Rothwell is solid, but still nothing to base a career off of.

For a guy that says he sees through the UFC hype machine, you sure are swinging from Cain's nuts for no real reason.

As for Brock... fine, another world class wrestler was able to briefy get away from him for a second before being planted again. I guess that means that Kongo would be able to get away from him as well. As for Herring, he beat Kongo...Brock should have been able to finish, but there was not even 1 second of that fight that Herring was not getting his ass kicked.

Does the beating Brock took from Carwin show how good of chin he has or does it show that he can't take a shot without turning his back and running like a 4th grader?

I was just attempting to counter the myth that Brock is some HW BJ Penn and that when he takes you down you face immediate death.

JDS vs Cain, fine, perhaps I was a bit overzealous in stating that Cain would outstrike him, but I believe Cain's striking is good enough and JDS is hittable enough that Cain would be able to land on him enough to be able to setup his takedowns better than anyone else has.

As far as Brock's chin, I'm not sure. It's definitely solid, as he certainly took some hard shots from Carwin, but it wasn't the prolonged beating as it is commonly portrayed. That lunging uppercut that Brock ran away from was a good shot, but it wasn't anywhere near Carwin's best shot if you look at the mechanics of it. And on the ground, aside from a few punches and one good solid elbow, most of Carwin's punches were hitting Brock's arms. If Brock did anything right in that first round, it was avoiding damage and recovering guard. Turning his back and running from punches is definitely a huge problem though.

What's up with the nut-swinging cheap shot? I just think Cain is soon to be the best HW in the world. You might not see any reasons, but I see a lot.

09-09-2010, 06:16 PM
What's up with the nut-swinging cheap shot?

It's a common bjj tactic. Nuts in the face.

09-09-2010, 08:06 PM
What's up with the nut-swinging cheap shot? I just think Cain is soon to be the best HW in the world. You might not see any reasons, but I see a lot.

Yeah... I think we mostly agree. I just think that Brock has shown more stiffling top control than Cain has at this point. It is probably due to his mass. I don't think Brock is great by any means though.

As for the cheap shot...sorry. For some reason I think I have a god given command to defend Werdum's honor on this board.

09-09-2010, 09:00 PM
[quote="zY|":3dy0ggsx]What's up with the nut-swinging cheap shot? I just think Cain is soon to be the best HW in the world. You might not see any reasons, but I see a lot.

Yeah... I think we mostly agree. I just think that Brock has shown more stiffling top control than Cain has at this point. It is probably due to his mass. I don't think Brock is great by any means though.

As for the cheap shot...sorry. For some reason I think I have a god given command to defend Werdum's honor on this board.[/quote:3dy0ggsx]

Yeah Brock has shown to be more methodical about top control than Cain. But then again I don't think Cain is trying for that. He's more concerned with relentless pressure. He may or may not be able to control similarly to that, but it's just not his style. Brock's mass and overall strength certainly helps his top control out.

You don't need to defend Werdum. I like Werdum, and I know he could tap out any of the UFC HWs if given the chance or they play his game. I just also happen to think he's slow and lumbering and Cain would most likely throw him out of the cage. ::thumbup::

09-09-2010, 09:25 PM
What makes you think that JDS could consistenly stop Cains takedowns?

09-09-2010, 09:29 PM
What makes you think that JDS could consistenly stop Cains takedowns?

JDS has shown some pretty good takedown defense and also pops up pretty well once he's down. Does that mean he can stop Cain's takedowns? Well it's a question mark, but his past performance is encouraging.

09-09-2010, 09:53 PM
JDS' takedown defense has shown to be pretty badass. Then again, he still hasn't fought anyone with any actual skill in wrestling (christ the HW division is so bad). Cain is probably the best in the HW division as far as switching techniques and chain wrestling. Cain and Brock can probably both get him down but can they do so without taking damage is the question.

09-09-2010, 10:41 PM
I kind of want Brock to beat Cain so we can see Brock vs JDS. I have wanted to see that fight for awhile.

09-09-2010, 10:41 PM
I kind of want Brock to beat Cain so we can see Brock vs JDS. I have wanted to see that fight for awhile.

I'd be cool with that.

09-09-2010, 10:55 PM
I kind of want Brock to beat Cain so we can see Brock vs JDS. I have wanted to see that fight for awhile.

You can see it after Cain beats them both.

09-10-2010, 09:02 AM
Kongo doesn't get NEAR enough credit for being the tough, resistant bastard that he is.

Im pretty sure Kongo got a takedown on Cain in this fight too. Cain sprung right back up, but still.

09-10-2010, 01:31 PM
Duffee responds on the UG

To the supporters thank you and just listen to the video.
To the classless thank you and just listen to every single word then play it again and then again.


"When I meet my maker on my dying day
Gonna Look him in the eye and by God Ill say
"I gave my word and my word was good
I took it in the face and I walked as hard as I could"

http://www.mixedmartialarts.com/?go=for ... 543&page=1 (http://www.mixedmartialarts.com/?go=forum_framed.frame&thread=1698543&page=1)