View Full Version : Top MMA Events of the Decade?

12-14-2010, 07:47 PM
What are they? I'm doing an article for UMMA on the topic.

So far I've got: the UFC's sale to Zuffa, MMA sanctioned in Nevada, TUF Season 1, fall of Pride, Fedor's loss to Werdum. . .

What else?

12-14-2010, 08:05 PM
One failed drug test resulting in the end of a promotion. (Barnett/Affliction)

12-14-2010, 08:07 PM
That's a pretty good one.

Keep 'em coming. . .

12-14-2010, 08:14 PM
Wec/UFC merger..

The birth of UFC competitors(strikeforce, bellator, etc.)

12-14-2010, 08:52 PM
Pulver winning a fight or was that last decade?

12-14-2010, 08:53 PM
Pulver winning a fight or was that last decade?


12-14-2010, 08:55 PM
Pulver winning a fight or was that last decade?

::lmao:: ::lmao:: ::lmao:: ::lmao:: ::lmao:: ::lmao:: ::lmao::

::lmao:: ::lmao:: ::lmao:: ::lmao:: ::lmao:: ::lmao:: ::lmao::

::lmao:: ::lmao:: ::lmao:: ::lmao:: ::lmao:: ::lmao:: ::lmao::

::lmao:: ::lmao:: ::lmao:: ::lmao:: ::lmao:: ::lmao:: ::lmao::

12-14-2010, 09:05 PM
Ya'll are dicks.

12-14-2010, 09:40 PM
Keith Jardine finally winning a fight and then not getting paid for it.

12-14-2010, 09:41 PM
Serious posts, please.

My livelihood is at stake here.

Breaking news: I quit my job for the computer company. This is all I have now.

12-14-2010, 09:45 PM
Why did you do that?

12-14-2010, 09:49 PM
Why did you do that?

Yeah why would you quit your job?

12-14-2010, 10:05 PM
Your MMA bankroll is all you have? Respect.

You are a pro now. How are going to live though? Are you planning on getting another job?

Serious reply: I took a 2 month break from doing one of my jobs, just so I could feel the pressure of generating actual living expenses off my gambling. My hope was that I would get serious about my plays. The reality is that it fucked me up and I couldn't pull the trigger on anything remotely risky. I am back to working now.

12-14-2010, 10:14 PM
Serious reply: I took a 2 month break from doing one of my jobs, just so I could feel the pressure of generating actual living expenses off my gambling. My hope was that I would get serious about my plays. The reality is that it fucked me up and I couldn't pull the trigger on anything remotely risky. I am back to working now.

Betting is easy when there's no pressure to win. I cant imagine what the pressure would be if I did it for a living .

I thought you worked for youself BTW.

12-14-2010, 10:37 PM
Betting is easy when there's no pressure to win. I cant imagine what the pressure would be if I did it for a living .

I thought you worked for youself BTW.

I do, but I think I have told you before that I also work for that website, where I make a side income. I decided to give the website a rest (because I was getting sick of doing it) and see what it would be like to try to generate money off gambling. I think I can do it, but the problem is that I am going to need a fucking huge stack to even think about retiring from my day job. I mean...huge. So I think the best I can hope for is for my gambling to just generate interest and replace my regular retirement. I don't think I could ever do it with no job...

Anyway, enough about me. SPX... wtf. No follow up?

12-14-2010, 10:39 PM
Anyway, enough about me. SPX... wtf. No follow up?

Soon to come. It's a novel. Still typing it up.

12-14-2010, 10:43 PM
Betting is easy when there's no pressure to win. I cant imagine what the pressure would be if I did it for a living .

I thought you worked for youself BTW.

I do, but I think I have told you before that I also work for that website, where I make a side income. I decided to give the website a rest (because I was getting sick of doing it) and see what it would be like to try to generate money off gambling. I think I can do it, but the problem is that I am going to need a fucking huge stack to even think about retiring from my day job. I mean...huge. So I think the best I can hope for is for my gambling to just generate interest and replace my regular retirement. I don't think I could ever do it with no job...

Anyway, enough about me. SPX... wtf. No follow up?

I'm not sure I could do it for a living either . I think the stress alone might drive me over the edge .

12-14-2010, 10:48 PM
I'm not sure I could do it for a living either . I think the stress alone might drive me over the edge .

I am still keeping the dream alive. I could do it if I were in a different place in my life. But as it stands, I (actually my wife) have become accustomed to a certain standard of living... In order to keep my self in the style that I become accustomed to, I would need about a million bucks, minimum.

Since I only have about $4500 for this... I might need to reset my hopes.

12-14-2010, 10:59 PM
The true story behind me quitting my job:

There were a lot of reasons and it was actually kind of a domino effect.

Last Monday night I went with a friend to a 10:00 o' clock showing of Scrooged at a local theater. It's called Brewvies. The name says a lot. She and I were already getting pretty close to drunk when we went in and by the time we came out we had rolled through about 5 pitchers.

She lived close, so after the movie I passed out at her place and woke up a few hours later, feeling like shit. And I felt like shit the rest of the day. And then about 9:00 I tried to go to sleep, but there was one problem: I couldn't get to sleep. I laid there for hours. At about 2:00 I got up and started pacing the floor. I knew I had a problem.

I've had some attendance issues in the past and have been written up twice. Third time is termination. I knew that if I missed another day then it could possibly mean getting fired. But it was either call in or feel like total shit for the whole day when clearly I wasn't going to have any business being there. But wait, we have to backtrack once again. . .

I would possibly have been willing to risk it if not for one thing: The previous Friday I had called in with the infamous "my grandmother died" excuse. It was the first time ever and the truth is that she had done no such thing. Or I guess she had, but 10 years or so earlier. But it enabled me to get out of work for a day without having to get marked down for an "occurance," which could have lead to termination.

My boss made a fatal mistake, though: He said, "Okay, well let me know over the weekend if you need Monday off, too." So I figured I'd milk this thing for all it was worth and told him on Sunday that I would need Monday off, as my family was getting together to read the will and figure out what we were gonna do for the holidays. However, despite the fact that he offered it to me, he now wanted to argue. And he told me that between 10:00 and 1:00 is our peak and that he would need me at work. He also said that he would make sure to have me out by 1:00. Well it turned out that we were extremely busy that day and when 1:00 came along he refused to let me go. This pissed me off big time. Eventually at 2:30 another supervisor cut me loose.

Yes, I realized I lied about my grandmother dying. But he didn't know that and the fact that a representative of the company would pull some shit like that really pissed me off.

So we have Bullshit From Company Man-->Drunken Evening-->Sleepless Night After Which A Day of Work is Unacceptable

There were other problems, too. I was just tired of the job. 9ish hours a day sitting at a desk, taking phone calls, staring at a computer screen, and dealing with people's technical problems? Fuck that! It's not healthy. It also was getting in the way of other aspects of my life, like being able to take certain classes and being free to do interviews for articles for the magazine.

So I was up at 2:00 AM and paced back and forth, back and forth, back and forth for an hour and half while I tried to figure this thing out. Can I survive somehow just off my writing? Obviously not just writing for a single magazine. But can I pick up gigs with other magazines? Find other writing assignments online? Get super-serious about betting and turn that into a legit part of my monthly income?

Bottom line: Around 4:00 AM I threw caution to the wind and told Unisys to fuck off. And now I'm trying to make it work. I'm a little worried about it. I have no idea exactly how I'm going to make this transition. But I'm going to try and hopefully after a rough few months on the front end I will have things smoothed out and will be in a better position than I ever was when I was doing the 9 to 5 thing.

12-14-2010, 11:08 PM
Bottom line, no one ever regretting quitting a piece of shit job like that to pursue his passions.

Your job sucked. It wasn't what you wanted to do with your life, and you weren't making very much money. Any job where you have to make shit up so you can miss work is for the birds. I, for one, support it.

If it doesn't work out, at least you will have made a run. You'll gain experience and insight into what you have to do to make it. Maybe you have to suck it up and find a job in a few months, maybe not.

Bonus, you should pull way more tail as a professional writer and gambler than a tech support guy.

12-14-2010, 11:17 PM
Hey good luck, buddy.

In that case, Top MMA events of the decade.

Unified rules of mixed martial arts (and make sure you get that shit right. No, they weren't written by Dana White like he would have you think)
UFC bought by Zuffa
Fall of PRIDE
TUF (Bonnar/Griffin)
UFC 66 (million ppv buys)
Chuck Liddell's rise to stardom
Fedor/Cro Cop (probably the biggest MMA fight ever)
Shogun's 2005 tournament run
BJ Penn choking out Matt Hughes
Matt Serra beating GSP

How many do you need?

12-14-2010, 11:25 PM
Bottom line, no one ever regretting quitting a piece of shit job like that to pursue his passions.

Your job sucked. It wasn't what you wanted to do with your life, and you weren't making very much money. Any job where you have to make shit up so you can miss work is for the birds. I, for one, support it.

I appreciate that. Sincerely.

You're right that it wasn't much money. It was definitely keeping me afloat. But it lead to a sort of minimum standard of living. I mean, I've been in a 220 sq. ft. studio apartment for almost 4 years now. I realize that I am just over a year away from being 30 years old and, I mean, that's kind of some stupid shit. So I'm hoping that with some serious effort writing and betting on MMA--along with possibly some other ventures--will catapult me into a much better financial position within the next year or so.

If it doesn't work out, at least you will have made a run. You'll gain experience and insight into what you have to do to make it. Maybe you have to suck it up and find a job in a few months, maybe not.

I agree. There's definitely a sort of romantic, idealistic notion here. Hopefully I'll come out on top in the end. But if not--if I do have to get another job--I'm determined to get a job that, if it doesn't lead to greater riches, then it will at least lead to greater personal fulfillment.

Bonus, you should pull way more tail as a professional writer and gambler than a tech support guy.

I sure as hell hope so.

12-14-2010, 11:29 PM
Hey good luck, buddy.

In that case, Top MMA events of the decade.

Unified rules of mixed martial arts (and make sure you get that shit right. No, they weren't written by Dana White like he would have you think)
UFC bought by Zuffa
Fall of PRIDE
TUF (Bonnar/Griffin)
UFC 66 (million ppv buys)
Chuck Liddell's rise to stardom
Fedor/Cro Cop (probably the biggest MMA fight ever)
Shogun's 2005 tournament run
BJ Penn choking out Matt Hughes
Matt Serra beating GSP

Hey, thanks zY. I was wondering why you hadn't made a contribution yet. I knew you had some in your mind on this.

How many do you need?

Not sure yet. This piece (unfortunately) is a short one. They're giving me 500 words. I think I could turn this into 1500 words easily.

12-14-2010, 11:30 PM
Damn X I didnt realize you were writing that many articles or quit your job.

I quit a 60k a year job when I was 21 because I hated it,I just walked out one day right in the middle of the work day and never went back. Everyone I knew told me I was stupid but it wasnt what I wanted to do and I hated every second of it . I would encourage everyone thats hates what they are doing to chase their dreams . You'll get there X .
Just in the short time you've been on this forum you've went from never writing an article before to doing it all the time so I'm sure you'll get where you want to be . GL on it and if you need anything just let me know

12-14-2010, 11:41 PM
Damn X I didnt realize you were writing that many articles or quit your job.

I quit a 60k a year job when I was 21 because I hated it,I just walked out one day right in the middle of the work day and never went back. Everyone I knew told me I was stupid but it wasnt what I wanted to do and I hated every second of it . I would encourage everyone thats hates what they are doing to chase their dreams . You'll get there X .
Just in the short time you've been on this forum you've went from never writing an article before to doing it all the time so I'm sure you'll get where you want to be . GL on it and if you need anything just let me know

I actually meant to PM you about the job quitting thing, but I've been trying to get a handle on it personally. Then it just sort of came out here in this thread.

As for writing "that many articles," well, I'm not writing nearly as many as I need to be. I've had as many as two separate articles in UMMA in multiple issues and I've had at least one in most issues since the wagering piece. I've also had one article in Black Belt and another one in Black Belt coming out next month.

But really, I need like 5 mags that I'm writing for regularly. And then some other shit probably on top of that.

This is going to be a challenge. But I appreciate your support. I'm sure we'll talk a lot about it in the weeks and months to come.

P.S. I did get one article published in Black Belt in 2007. But other than that, you're right. The wagering article was basically the beginning.

12-15-2010, 12:51 AM
I've been in your situation and pulled through it. My biggest advice is to save $ wherever you can. I clipped coupons from the Sunday paper, sold all my unnecessary shit on Craigslist, etc. I even had a side hustle where I found stuff on sale online, and resold them on ebay/craigslist for a profit.

I don't know your situation, but an option could be to move to a cheaper country. Your money goes a lot farther in a place like Thailand, plus a bunch of you guys seem like the type to like ladyboys haha

You have a lot of free time, use it to invest in yourself. Read, learn, grow and become a stronger man from this situation.

12-15-2010, 01:16 AM
This conversation is making me think about how much of a Jew (no antisemitism) I am going to become once I take the plunge and move out to finish college at a university.

12-15-2010, 03:51 AM
This conversation is making me think about how much of a Jew (no antisemitism) I am going to become once I take the plunge and move out to finish college at a university.

That doesn't sound like the Jay we all know around here...

12-15-2010, 08:44 AM
Pulver winning a fight or was that last decade?

This could be post of the decade?

12-15-2010, 08:45 AM
Collapse of Elite XC (kimbo/Seth/$kala)

12-15-2010, 08:49 AM
Fuck it X, you only live once. Your young, and got no kids depending on you. Do Yo Thang Nigga.

12-15-2010, 09:10 AM
Collapse of Elite XC (kimbo/Seth/$kala)

That's a good one. There are several MMA "phenomena" of the last decade that weren't that significant from the standpoint of the serious MMA geek, but were huge with the more causal crowd:

In the US, there was Kimbo Slice, Gina Carano, and Herschel Walker's MMA foray.

In Japan, there was Bob Sapp, and the New Year's Eve fight tradition.

12-15-2010, 11:35 AM
I've been in your situation and pulled through it. My biggest advice is to save $ wherever you can. I clipped coupons from the Sunday paper, sold all my unnecessary shit on Craigslist, etc. I even had a side hustle where I found stuff on sale online, and resold them on ebay/craigslist for a profit.

I don't know your situation, but an option could be to move to a cheaper country. Your money goes a lot farther in a place like Thailand, plus a bunch of you guys seem like the type to like ladyboys haha

You have a lot of free time, use it to invest in yourself. Read, learn, grow and become a stronger man from this situation.

Charles Negro:

Thanks for the thoughts. I'm actually trying to figure out how to use eBay to pick up some extra cash. The biggest problem is that I just rarely see anything for sale that I could turn around and sell for a profit. You should teach me your secrets.

As for Thailand, well, I don't think living abroad suits me. I spent 2 months in Guatemala's nicest city (Antigua) and after about 2 weeks I was ready to come home. Those places are inexpensive for a reason. And even beyond that, I have to say that at the end of the day I'm just too accustomed to American culture.

12-15-2010, 04:21 PM
Alright I'm in Christmas spirit. This is a great way for anyone to make some extra cash and is relatively risk free if you're not a dumbass. Do me a favor and leave it here in the forums.

The concept is simple, I buy something that is very cheap on sale, and I resell the same item at a higher price on eBay or Craigslist.

The best items are electronics: Computers, Laptops, Monitors, Cameras, etc. They're always on sale and very easy to resell.

First thing is where do you find sales?

http://slickdeals.net/forums/forumdispl ... duid=0&f=9 (http://slickdeals.net/forums/forumdisplay.php?sduid=0&f=9)

The key is to check CONSTANTLY like every 30 minutes. A lot of the sick deals I've gotten are price mistakes online, or maybe clearance sales. So you see something's on sale, first thing you gotta do is go to ebay and search for the item and see what it has been sold for recently. You also have to add in paypal, ebay, fees, shipping, etc. and then calculate if the profit is worth it.

Example of a shit deal:
Canon camera on sale for $200. It sold for $250 on eBay last week. You charge shipping so it cancels out. After ebay/paypal fees you're left with $10 profit. This is a lot of work for $10.

Example of a good deal:
Dell computer and 20" monitor selling for $300. I see the combination sold on eBay for $300 last week. However, instead of selling on eBay I sell on craigslist. I know I can sell the computer for $300 and the monitor for $150. Since I do the deal in person, there's no ebay or paypal fees. Profit is $150.

However I'm very PATIENT and only look for these hot deals. I order like 10 of those dell computer/monitors, and after its all sold I clear about $1500 profit in theory.

The key is I'm trying to sell all of these within the next 30 days, because if it doesn't I can just send it back to Dell. Risk free.

Another example of a good deal I did in the past. I remember Office depot was having a clearance on a printer. Shit was worth $150 on ebay, they were getting rid of it for $50 in stores. I hopped in my car and drove to every fucking Office depot in Atlanta and bought all the printers I could find. $1k profit for like 5 hours of work. Not bad for a college student?

The more you do this, the better you get because you start to recognize the value of items and what makes money and what doesn't.

But anyways that's the gist. I haven't done this in a few years but in theory it should still work. Good luck

Edit bonus secret:

I hate driving to meet someone on Craigslist. So lets say me and you are going to do a deal, well the proper etiquette is for us to meet halfway. So lets say you're in Tennessee, I'm in Georgia. For us to meet you'd have to drive an hour, and I'd drive an hour and we'd meet at the border. That's the fair thing to do.

The negro thing to do is "Hey you're in Tennessee? I actually live in Florida. We can meet halfway in Atlanta, Georgia". So what happens is you drive 2 hours (thinking I'm driving two hours as well from Florida) when in actually we're meeting at a Starbucks 5 minutes away from my house. ::lmao::

12-15-2010, 04:27 PM
The negro thing to do is

Nice post, but the Negro thing to do, is sell weed and pills brah. Trust me.

12-15-2010, 04:30 PM
The negro thing to do is

Nice post, but the Negro thing to do, is sell weed and pills brah. Trust me.[/quote:12pgnkd8]


12-15-2010, 04:31 PM
The negro thing to do is

Nice post, but the Negro thing to do, is sell weed and pills brah. Trust me.[/quote:2v0qtyh3]

Now HERE is a man with a dream.

12-15-2010, 04:32 PM
Alright I'm in Christmas spirit. This is a great way for anyone to make some extra cash and is relatively risk free if you're not a dumbass. Do me a favor and leave it here in the forums.

The concept is simple, I buy something that is very cheap on sale, and I resell the same item at a higher price on eBay or Craigslist.

The best items are electronics: Computers, Laptops, Monitors, Cameras, etc. They're always on sale and very easy to resell.

First thing is where do you find sales?

http://slickdeals.net/forums/forumdispl ... duid=0&f=9 (http://slickdeals.net/forums/forumdisplay.php?sduid=0&f=9)

The key is to check CONSTANTLY like every 30 minutes. A lot of the sick deals I've gotten are price mistakes online, or maybe clearance sales. So you see something's on sale, first thing you gotta do is go to ebay and search for the item and see what it has been sold for recently. You also have to add in paypal, ebay, fees, shipping, etc. and then calculate if the profit is worth it.

Example of a shit deal:
Canon camera on sale for $200. It sold for $250 on eBay last week. You charge shipping so it cancels out. After ebay/paypal fees you're left with $10 profit. This is a lot of work for $10.

Example of a good deal:
Dell computer and 20" monitor selling for $300. I see the combination sold on eBay for $300 last week. However, instead of selling on eBay I sell on craigslist. I know I can sell the computer for $300 and the monitor for $150. Since I do the deal in person, there's no ebay or paypal fees. Profit is $150.

However I'm very PATIENT and only look for these hot deals. I order like 10 of those dell computer/monitors, and after its all sold I clear about $1500 profit in theory.

The key is I'm trying to sell all of these within the next 30 days, because if it doesn't I can just send it back to Dell. Risk free.

Another example of a good deal I did in the past. I remember Office depot was having a clearance on a printer. Shit was worth $150 on ebay, they were getting rid of it for $50 in stores. I hopped in my car and drove to every fucking Office depot in Atlanta and bought all the printers I could find. $1k profit for like 5 hours of work. Not bad for a college student?

The more you do this, the better you get because you start to recognize the value of items and what makes money and what doesn't.

But anyways that's the gist. I haven't done this in a few years but in theory it should still work. Good luck

Edit bonus secret:

I hate driving to meet someone on Craigslist. So lets say me and you are going to do a deal, well the proper etiquette is for us to meet halfway. So lets say you're in Tennessee, I'm in Georgia. For us to meet you'd have to drive an hour, and I'd drive an hour and we'd meet at the border. That's the fair thing to do.

The negro thing to do is "Hey you're in Tennessee? I actually live in Florida. We can meet halfway in Atlanta, Georgia". So what happens is you drive 2 hours (thinking I'm driving two hours as well from Florida) when in actually we're meeting at a Starbucks 5 minutes away from my house. ::lmao::

Get post man ::clap:: ::clap::

SPX go .......

12-15-2010, 04:41 PM
X, if you see a Deion Sanders Florida St. Jersey, hook a nigga up. ::thumbup::

12-15-2010, 05:01 PM
The negro thing to do is

Nice post, but the Negro thing to do, is sell weed and pills brah. Trust me.[/quote:1daztshw]

Think the Negro thing to do is to just rob them and take their monies

12-15-2010, 05:11 PM
Mr. Negro:

Thank you so much for that extremely insightful post. I will definitely start looking into that. Like I said, I've been trying to figure out how to work reselling shit into my monthly income for a while. I'll start testing the shit out. One problem for me is going to be that I don't really have any start up capital to make the initial purchases. But maybe I can figure something out there.

And LOL at that "bonus secret."

12-15-2010, 05:20 PM
The negro thing to do is "Hey you're in Tennessee? I actually live in Florida. We can meet halfway in Atlanta, Georgia". So what happens is you drive 2 hours (thinking I'm driving two hours as well from Florida) when in actually we're meeting at a Starbucks 5 minutes away from my house. ::lmao::

Thats awesome ::lmao::

12-15-2010, 05:21 PM
Mr. Negro:

Thank you so much for that extremely insightful post. I will definitely start looking into that. Like I said, I've been trying to figure out how to work reselling shit into my monthly income for a while. I'll start testing the shit out. One problem for me is going to be that I don't really have any start up capital to make the initial purchases. But maybe I can figure something out there.

And LOL at that "bonus secret."

credit cards ::handshake::

12-15-2010, 07:11 PM
Mr. Negro:

Thank you so much for that extremely insightful post. I will definitely start looking into that. Like I said, I've been trying to figure out how to work reselling shit into my monthly income for a while. I'll start testing the shit out. One problem for me is going to be that I don't really have any start up capital to make the initial purchases. But maybe I can figure something out there.

And LOL at that "bonus secret."

credit cards ::handshake::

Or hit up a convenience store or something.

01-05-2011, 03:50 PM
In a twist of fate, it looks like I'm actually going to be working on Part II of this piece, which deals with MMA fighters who are going to be a force in the decade to come.

I need 10 names, and why. They can be established fighters like GSP, but they don't need to be on the tail end of their career (like Fedor).

What's everyone's thoughts?

01-05-2011, 04:46 PM
There are some guys that are obvious and those guys are going to take up a lot of your list (Jon Jones, Aldo). So maybe you should give us your definite guys on the list and see how many debatable spots there are.

For me, non obvious guys that I think can be sustainable fixtures in the top 10:

Daniel Cormier: They very best wrestler in the HW division, where wrestlers rule. Great camp, good hands, obvious warrior spirit (seems like he fights every other week). HW's are harder to submit from guard, and they are harder to escape from once they get on top. Cormier will the # 1 HW in the world IMO.

Askren: Again, the very best wrestling pedigree of any WW. But what makes Askren special for me is his commitment to the ground. He doesn't even try to strike. He knows that if he can get it on the ground, top or bottom, he will find a way to get on top. He was known for his funky ability to land on top from everywhere in his wrestling days. He has now caught the bjj bug, and trains and competes in bjj a lot, having just recieved his brown belt.

Joe Warren: Best wrestler in MMA period, heavy hands, good chin.

Pitbull Friere: nasty bjj, nasty kickboxing, power, takedowns and trakedown defense to match even Warren. I honestly think Pitbull could beat Cruz right now.

01-05-2011, 04:52 PM
Edson Barboza

Dude is a mini wrecking machine, only 24 years old. I think he will be top knocking on the door to the top 10 this time next year.

01-05-2011, 05:54 PM
There are some guys that are obvious and those guys are going to take up a lot of your list (Jon Jones, Aldo). So maybe you should give us your definite guys on the list and see how many debatable spots there are.

Okay, bear in mind that these are guys who are supposed to make significant impacts throughout the next decade.

My editor wants Overeem, GSP, and Aldo for sure. I didn't think of Jones, but he'll probably be on there as well.

Everything else is up for grabs.

01-05-2011, 06:56 PM
Warren and Cormier I think are too old. Askren and Pitbull are good ones. Barboza is a possibility. Uncle Jesse left out Frodo?

Cain Velasquez for sure. Anthony Pettis for sure. dos Santos. Frank Edgar. Jon Jones. GSP. Phil Davis.

01-06-2011, 04:26 PM
Yeah, i guess I was thinking more about prospects. But strictly in terms of who will be around in 2020... most of the current top guys are around 25. So it is hard to say that any of them should not be on the list. Overeem is 30. Cain is 28, and Shogun is only 29. So if Overeem is on the list, so is Shogun and Cain. Cain and Shogun have already accomplished more in MMA that Overeem anyway. So you might as well just list the top 10 PFP fighters today, because almost all of them are under 30.

Just saying, if you are including guys like Overeem who is peaking now (and will most likely be ancient history in a few years), the list is pretty pointless, because there are tons of better and already more accomplished MMA fighters (guys that are actually the #1 guy in that weight class)... I mean Cain is ahead of Overeem, is younger, and has more upside.

01-06-2011, 08:46 PM
I don't think it necessarily means they have to be around in 2020. I was just stating the age (especially in Warren's case) that he'll be less likely to have a large impact. He's also talking about going back to the olympics or some nonsense.

01-06-2011, 09:04 PM
Either way... Overeem is 30, and most of the top fighters are under 30. Just copy the PFP list and you're done.

01-06-2011, 09:07 PM
Either way... Overeem is 30, and most of the top fighters are under 30. Just copy the PFP list and you're done.

That's shortsighted though. Surely you don't believe the p4p list will look the same in a few years, or hell, even next year. And besides, if I were SPX' editor and he handed in Sherdog's current p4p list I'd fire his black ass.

01-06-2011, 09:27 PM
Well it's not entirely dependent on fighting ability. We're taking personality into account, too. So it's not only who will make the greatest waves in terms of wins, but also in terms of the public consciousness by the force of their personality.

Basically who is going to take the place of Randy, Liddell, Fedor, etc.

01-06-2011, 09:29 PM
And besides, if I were SPX' editor and he handed in Sherdog's current p4p list I'd fire his black ass.

LOL. Word.

01-06-2011, 09:32 PM
Well it's not entirely dependent on fighting ability. We're taking personality into account, too. So it's not only who will make the greatest waves in terms of wins, but also in terms of the public consciousness by the force of their personality.

Basically who is going to take the place of Randy, Liddell, Fedor, etc.

That's a much trickier row to hoe.

01-06-2011, 09:36 PM
Whatever. I just don't understand how Overeem is going to be on the list, but you are not going to include all the guys that are younger, better, and more accomplished than him (which includes virtually everyone on the PFP list).

I will just send a letter in to the mag after it is published like "WTF was up with your ridiculous list of fighters for the next decade. How can your writer justify putting a 30 year old Overeem on the list without putting in the 6 guys that are currently ranked ahead of him in his own weightclass and are also younger than him. I am cancelling my subscription."

01-06-2011, 09:38 PM
Well it's not entirely dependent on fighting ability. We're taking personality into account, too. So it's not only who will make the greatest waves in terms of wins, but also in terms of the public consciousness by the force of their personality.

Basically who is going to take the place of Randy, Liddell, Fedor, etc.

oh. nevermind then.

01-06-2011, 09:38 PM
That's a much trickier row to hoe.

It is. The answers will almost certainly be inexact. I mean, it's like who was the next Jordan? Not anyone, really. But there were certainly other superstars to come along.

01-06-2011, 09:39 PM
It is. The answers will almost certainly be inexact. I mean, it's like who was the next Jordan? Not anyone, really. But there were certainly other superstars to come along.

It pretty much means you can write wtfever you want.

01-06-2011, 09:40 PM
BTW have you ever looked into being a shill I mean writer for UFC.com? What do they pay?

01-06-2011, 09:48 PM
oh. nevermind then.

Yeah. I mean, honestly, my editor threw out some names that made me go WTF a little bit.

Some of them are pretty much locks: GSP and Aldo, for instance. Overeem is interesting because, even though he's been doing this shit awhile, I suspect he's only lately begun to break into the consciousness of American casual fans because he's the champ of Strikeforce. Plus, the whole Overeem/Ubereem thing makes him an interesting character.

Pettis, Jacare, Jon Jones, Cain, and JDS are also potential candidates in my book.

Maybe Edgar.

And one that I'm really fighting to make sure gets on the list is Cris Cyborg, who will pretty much definitely be the only woman in the mix. But I do think we need her and that she deserves it.

01-06-2011, 09:50 PM
BTW have you ever looked into being a shill I mean writer for UFC.com? What do they pay?

I don't know shit about that. Did you know that the UFC actually revoked Ultimate MMA's press credentials for their events? True story. And no one really knows why, either.

01-06-2011, 09:56 PM
I don't know shit about that. Did you know that the UFC actually revoked Ultimate MMA's press credentials for their events? True story. And no one really knows why, either.


Or as DFW would say, "They know what they did".

01-06-2011, 10:00 PM

Or as DFW would say, "They know what they did".

From I understand there were a lot of rumors going around, but nothing was confirmed. One event they applied for press credentials and were denied. When they asked why the only answer was "executive decision." Doug (my editor) then offered to fly to Vegas with the VP and meet in person, but this was also denied.

So it's a mystery.