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View Full Version : RedHott Plays 10/25

10-25-2008, 11:27 AM
15* Cincinnati U -123 (played early in the week)
10* Florida State -6 -112

10-25-2008, 11:28 AM
Lets get that Cincy game bro.

10-25-2008, 11:30 AM
Good Luck Red

10-25-2008, 11:37 AM
love the bearcats! ::dance::

10-25-2008, 11:49 AM
BOL on the plays today Mike!

10-25-2008, 12:06 PM
Raising Florida State to a 10* play and adding:

15* Mississippi -6 -112

10-25-2008, 12:07 PM
Thanks for the MIss game bro. Im sitting that FSU game out.

BOL today my man.

10-25-2008, 12:30 PM
Best of luck today Mike

10-25-2008, 02:01 PM
Good luck on the games your playing RedHott!

10-25-2008, 02:23 PM

bears NU today

GRIFFIN the QB for baylor is going to be something hes a STUD

10-25-2008, 06:55 PM
Upgrading Mississippi -6 (now -110 vig) to a 15* play..

10-25-2008, 08:30 PM
15* Cincinnati U -123 (played early in the week) :burn:

10* Florida State -6 -112 ::moneybag::

15* Mississippi -6 -112 :burn:

- 25.25 units

10-25-2008, 10:46 PM
As of today I am up a total of $2,500 overall throughout several books, if I lose tomorrow I will have lost everything I was up and have worked so hard far for so long starting over with my initial book deposits plus bonuses. This leaves a terrible taste in my mouth and never thought this could happen. Almost makes me want to hang it up for good take my $2500 and call it quits. You guys will start to see my investments smaller now as I try to get back to where I was before. Proper money management will be executed now to build an all new bankroll. I guess breaking even is better then being down over $60,000 which is where I once was in the positive. Let's see what tomorrow has in store..

10-25-2008, 11:20 PM
check PM

10-25-2008, 11:24 PM
Terrible beat in that Mississippi game bro.

Do what you did in baseball, small units, you will have it back in no time. Im sure of that.

10-26-2008, 12:38 AM
Here's my take Mike from someone who is going through the same thing. For me I am making good picks and am just on the wrong side of of alot of bad breaks and games that could go either way ,in my opinion. I know if I keep firing away on good picks eventually the breaks will come my way and will even out. Today you had good picks but ended up on the bad side of a bad beat

Look at today Arkansas came down and scored a complete meaning less TD with a minute to go to blow the spread in a game they were completely dominated .In 80% of games when a team is down 9 points with a minute and a half to go they stall out after 10 or 20 yards and had this game been in that 80% instead of being down 25 units for the game you would be up 10 for the day.I bad break turned your 2-1 day into a 1-2 day. You cant get down because of something like this . You cuss and rant and get ready for tomorrow like I do. We only quit because were not good not because the breaks don't fall our way . We can only be unlucky so long and then talent takes over and I know you have talent I have been here 2 years and I have seen it.

Keep your head up tomorrow is another day ::handshake::

10-26-2008, 11:58 AM
You are solid RedHott. I trust you'll do okay. I know Billy Timbob thinks a lot of you. I think you'll be fine!

Max 2
10-27-2008, 01:49 AM
Mike -

I know what its like to lose big..it is frustrating as hell.

Luke made some solid points. Sometimes we just get unlucky and it feels like there are more games where we are winning and then get beat in the last 2 minutes. Those are the ones that make me so made because I was already counting the win.

Keep your head up. The Bowl games are where the big money is. We will win a ton of money then.
I guarantee it...

10-27-2008, 02:54 AM
Mike, I will be the first to tell you that you are great friend and I always trust your insight for plays. I will also agree with you and tell you that greed is not good in this game. Over the past 3 weeks I went from up 10k to losing 7k this week alone because I was greedy. The small to medium plays got me there and stupidity took me down.

I will respect whatever choice you make. Spend some time with the family and recharge the Duracells. Your insight is (IMO) the most respected on the board.