As I see the BJJ / Wrestling debate:

1) It happens all the time that a better wrestler controls and beats up a better BJJ guy on the ground.

2) It's also pretty clear that if that gap in submission skill is big enough, wrestler-dude might be looking at a pretty quick sub, making going to the ground at all a bad idea.

3) The catch then is figure out how big a gap is too big.

Certainly even an elite wrestler is no good on the ground against a submission guy without some submission training. Lesnar seemed to cross the threshold between his first and second fights with Mir. Lindland certainly didn't have enough submission defense to stand up to Jacare, but might Jake Shields? I'd be curious to find out.

In general though, at the UFC level, I have come to the point where I consider the "Striking and BJJ" template to be a poor matchup against a wrestler, unless they have either a huge advantage in jiu-jitsu (Maia), or very good takedown defense / ability to get up (Machida, Penn).