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Thread: BetDSI

  1. #1
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    To Brian Joseph Copy Mike Giraaldi, littlebilly

    1 attachment

    Brian this really cracks me up....Just shows the character of Moe and His Co Workers. Please pay attention to the what I said before and Am going to say it again On September 9/23 or around that date my balance was 9642.00 which you agreed on and don't become a Pussy now on me. Forgetabout the Jerks Offs you work for I will hook you up in You Wager on Bookmaker or another casino as I am well known in Costa Rica. Here is a real Jerk Off move by this Prick Moe as he deletes my figure of + 9642.00 Let me say this...I am the nicer guy in the world, you Fuck me over....Beware....And Bet DSI has fucked me over ...9642 less YOUR F### Figure of 3762 that has been deleted from my account as you think I am some Dummy. I have been involved in sports gambling for 49 years. So let's again do know do the arithemetic 9642..00 less 3762.00 that you deducted in my history column because i Made a mistake on a charge back which I corrected ASAP and even called Frank and You to rectify my mistake. Frank got his ass reamed cause I won....What the Fuck difference does it make because that Prick Moe deducted my winnings of 3762.00 Now if you take 9642.00 (Original AMount I won) less 3762.00 that you fucked me on that leaves a balance of 730.00 and Brian you did agree to this as it is simple arithmetic. Also I did the charge back with Frank for 440.00 and made good on it the next day once I realized the mistake - You people are sneaky Bastards as that is removed as well from my history. For all Forums and bet DSI sure does BAD MOUTH SBRFORUM cause they won't pay their annual fees, but how the hell else are players going to know the truth. Brian Joseph is a good guy, but unfortunately for BETDSI he is just a Sales Manager. Some Fucken Pussy with no balls by the name of Moe is calling the shots it appears and only one time did the gutless wrench get on the phone with me as he knows I am correct......If I ever go to Costa Rica for vacation first thing that I will do even before going into the ocean is split that Cock Sucker's Head Open...I hope Moe reads this Puss ass Moe pick up the phone and grow some balls You Scam artist Spinless Cock Roach and besides all these headaches when I did get paid it took over a month and it is like a Brother Picking Seeds out of a Water Melon.......My advise to any one out there DO NOT PLAY WITH THIS SPORTS BOOK unless you like problems in your life....If they were in the States I am a man of Action and that Prick Moe would have a real issue.....I speak from my Heart....I am One Stand Up MFer type of guy.....One time You Wager over paid me 3000 as they sent two 3000 checks and I sent the one back. I am HONEST, lack somewhat with my vocabulary, but everything I have said above is true....I swear on the Bible
    ...On September 29, 2018 at 5:55 PM wrote: According to Your Records of Bad Bets of 3762 which you say do not count towards the 9642 that I won, minus the -5150 you say your paying me.....that still shorts me 730 along with the 440 that I SENT twice to you for the Chargeback the fi…

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    Yes I heard numerous bad things in regards to BetDsi...Probably only a matter of time until they are out of business as on SBRForum also negative Feedback...They do not like to pay out as it like tweaking pussy hair...

  3. #3
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    The Main Person who goes by Moe acts like Moe of the Three Stoogies...I real conartis

    From My Experience DO NOT PLAY with this Book....They owed me 9642 and after over a month paying me 5150 which [COLOR=rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.87)]Shyster[/COLOR]

    Shyster is a slang word for someone who acts in a disreputable, unethical, or unscrupulous way, especially in the practice of law, sometimes also politics or business. Wikipedia Moe in accounting department at BetDsi is Screwing me out of the rest of the money of 4932,00 They paid a little more than half if what they actually owe me in Sports Gambling Winners...

  4. #4
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    Meet Mr. Moe in BetDsi Accounting Department as he thinks he can get over on us....Last laugh will be on him when he does not have a job....Come to Jersey and I will give you a job .....

  5. #5
    215 Hustler Mr. IWS's Avatar
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    They blacklisted me, said I have multiple charge backs. I only made one deposit about a year ago, before that I always used my local guy.

    Ironically, they blacklisted me a few weeks after I turned them down for them wanting to so a promo campaign/affiliate account thing here.

    Fuck em
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  6. #6
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    Reply that I received from their Sales Manger Brian today....Re: Account No. DD2856652 Payout Amount requested: 2500 Bitcoin address: 3E6Vao1zcfQskvd
    11:52 AM

    To Brian Joseph

    Listen My Friend...You work for a bunch of Jerk Offs...Your Ok in my Book, but that Spinless Prick Moe I would love to split his head open....Thanks and I appreciate what YOU did for me
    On October 6, 2018 at 11:36 AM Brian Joseph <> wrote:

    Processing dept is out till Monday. I was thinking about the charge, Im gonna ask about that charge because in reality yiou deposited with cash ( BTC/MG) so it should be free

    On 10/5/2018 12:16 PM, Brian Joseph wrote:

    I believe the problem is the CC deposits. When you deposit with Bitcoin everything is free in and out basically.

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    They are the worst Sports Book I ever dealt with....Nobody comes close to You Wager....Second to None...I had to be an idiot but I like using more than one Sports Book...Picked the wrong one with BetDsi

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